Analyse sectorielle : WINE CONSUMPTION IN FRANCE. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Laïty Koïta • 11 Octobre 2018 • Analyse sectorielle • 665 Mots (3 Pages) • 770 Vues
Wine consumption of French was divided by three into 50 years.
Consumption annual average of wine rises with 43 liters, that is to say the equivalent of a wine brandy glass by anybody and day.
The French wine consumption should continue to drop until 2012 (- 2.18%). What justifies this fall of the wine consumption
The advertisements against the alcohol abuse and repressions on the roads undoubtedly took part in this reduction and the young people often consume other types of alcohol. The old one and of the consumers.
The statistics indicate that less than 35 years three times drink less wine than the national average whereas the 50-64 years consume of it practically the double. Trend on the various types of wine
The red wine and white wine consumption will drop by 6.3% and 6.9%. The rosy one, contrary, at the coast and represents practically a quarter of the wine consumption.
The effervescent champagne and wines should also know an increase in sale of 4,5% in the 4 next years. The consumption of the wine in 2010.
In 2010, the French are 17 % with regularly drinking wine against 51 % in 1980, while 45 % drink some occasionally (30 % in 1980), according to the eighth quinquennial study of FranceAgriMer on the consumption of the wine in France. The regular drinkers become occasional drinkers.
The trend is identical for the men and the women. In 1980, 69 % of the men affirmed drinking of the wine regularly, 22 % occasionally and 9 % at all. In 2010, they are 26 % with regularly drinking wine, 46 % with being occasional consumers and 28 % of not-consumers.
With regard to the women, they were 37 % thirty years ago to drink regularly, 37 % in an occasional way and 27 % not to drink a whole. In 2010, one finds 11 % of regular consumers, 42 % of occasional consumers and 47 % of not-consumers.
The increase in the occasional wine consumption is often done at the time of the meals at the house, 64% of the questioned people do not drink wine at the time of the meals of the every day, but will propose of it and will consume some if they receive guests.
The wine consumption decreased in a daily way to the profit of a more festive consumption booked at privileged times.
Here a video of 1964 which shows us that mentalities incredibly changed since. Indeed it was advised to drink a wine bottle by anybody and day.
He was also advised for the moral one of the sportsmen of drinking wine during the meals…
Consumption of the wine a few years ago
France was in 2002 with 33.9 Million hectolitres of wine consumed, the 1st consumer country wine in the world in front of Italy (30.5Mhl) and the United States (21.2Mhl).
Nevertheless it is judicious to return a little in time in order to see the behavior of consumption of French.
In 2001 we can realize that French consumes up to 12 Million hectolitres of wines of less than in the Sixties.
According to researchs, 10% of these wines were wines of designations of origin in 1960, against 49% in 2001.
Thus we can conclude that the behavior of French as regards wine consumption is accentuated more on wines of qualities but decreases in term of quantity.