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Alice's adventures in wonderland cours prise de notes

Cours : Alice's adventures in wonderland cours prise de notes. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  21 Avril 2023  •  Cours  •  737 Mots (3 Pages)  •  280 Vues

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Chapter 1 : Down the Rabbit hole

Adjectives to qualify Alice : adventurous, naïve, curious (follow the rabbit), fearless, careful, ignorant ?, upset minded ?

1st element in movement -> run = the rabbit + 1st element in color: turning point because she must be adventurous and the rabbit will be a guide for her

She can not stay focus = sleepy / stupid. She decides to follow the Rabbit, she is innocent, childish, gullible, naïve because she thinks she will arrive in Australia or New Zealand or center of the earth

Repetition : “down, down, down”, she fell very slowly, falling very slowly = metaphor for slowly asleep -> world of imagination -> enter in subconscious, she dreams that she dream = mise en abime, she is entering in a new world, she need and wants to use thought at school / to explain things / about her education, she is really proud of her education

Written by Louis Carroll: a teacher, he taught mathematic at university -> change his name to write Alice in wonderland because he would lost his job and his credibility because he doesn’t have to write an absurd story as a scientist -> push logic -> not to make sense

At Victorian time, school and education were pitiless. Alice is so proud of everything she knows and 100% sure of what she knows -> longitude and latitude (they were nice grand words)

She uses words even if she didn’t know what they say, her main concern is the opinion of the other on her. She is in constant contradiction and paradox: She could become annoying for lectors:

  • Appearing intelligence = the problem is she is just a child who actually mixes reality and imagination
  • She wants to explain things thanks to her Victorian education. Kids wants to find a reason because they need to understand and don’t want to be left behind
  • Necessary not compulsory to get more self-confident, if there is one question that we don’t know -> loose our self-confidence
  • Alice wants to control: she aims at understanding and she wants to control her dream thanks to her knowledge

Title: Alice’s adventures in wonderland: to wonder = to ask a lot of questions because a lot of things are bizarre

Alice is afraid of dying: she looks if it is not poison / wonderland -> death is still present, she is afraid to compared herself with a candle, she is afraid of dying little by little and disappearing, she felt a little nervous.

“poor”: she remains a fragile girl -> pity, sympathy and compassion, she is very harsh on herself / Victorian education = adult don’t use time for children, Alice -> antihero ? No, she just need compassion[pic 2]

Chapter 7: A Mad Tea-Party


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