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Mentally Ill

Discours : Mentally Ill. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  6 Novembre 2022  •  Discours  •  437 Mots (2 Pages)  •  353 Vues

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It was a Friday night, like usual Anabell was babysitting. As the kid was already asleep, she was just sitting on the couch. After a little while sitting, she noticed something she had never seen before, a door behind the kid’s father's desk. The tall girl got up, and out of curiosity, she went to the desk, pushed it away, and opened the door.

Anabell always was curious, her parents called her ‘’Curious George’’ when she was little as she always wanted to discover new things. Once those things are discovered she’d lose interest in them. She was babysitting to pay her overdraft that the bank loaned to her to finance her voyages.

Once the door opened, she felt something pushing her in, she felt herself fizzling out and closed her eyes. When she opened them back, she was in some kind of weird yellow room. On the walls, a pattern is repeating itself. At first, she looked behind her, but no door was in sight. She was lost.

She decided to explore this weird place. A turn to the left, a room similar to the first one, the only difference being the size and shape of that room. Another turn to the left, a long room, once again, the same pattern on the walls. In that room, there was a parsnip on the ground. Anabell figured that this place is some kind of maze. She also noticed that some rooms had things in them, sometimes it would be closets, food, desk, or even some bones.

Suddenly, Annabel started to hear something, loud footsteps could be heard running toward her. Scared, she started to run the other way. Even while running, she could hear the footsteps getting closer to her. She needed to find a way to hide fast. When she turned around a corner, she saw it. A big red silhouette following her. By chance, in the room she turned in, there was a closet. She ran as fast as she could to it and hid in it. She heard the weird being walk in front of the closet, only to slowly go away.

After waiting for a while, Anabell slowly got out of the closet and went back to find an exit. She was relieved when she saw a door with a big green ‘’Exit’’ sign on it. She opened the door and…

She was back. The house, the room, the couch, she is back in the house she was babysitting in. She went upstairs to see if the child was still there. He was there, sleeping. When she went downstairs, she noticed something was missing. The door wasn’t there anymore.


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