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Réponse de l'option théâtre en Anglais

Compte rendu : Réponse de l'option théâtre en Anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Mars 2020  •  Compte rendu  •  971 Mots (4 Pages)  •  619 Vues

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UBO questionnaire

Théâtre en VO

Please answer the following questions.

(In total, no less than two pages & no more than three pages in Helvetica Neuve at 12pt)

- Why did you choose Théâtre en VO ?

I chose Théâtre en VO because I was always fascinated by theatre and I love English very

much. For me it was a new experience that mixed two things I love. I also wanted to overcome my "fear/shyness" of speaking in English in front of people and improve my oral in English.

- What was your favorite way of learning lines ?

I didn’t really have a favorite way of learning, at home when I wanted to learn, I just learned

by reading. On the other hand, I liked the fact of getting together with others to learn together

and to think about how to play our scenes and the staging.

- How did you relate to your character/s ?

At first, I had trouble establishing a relate with my character, I didn’t know how to move

from one feeling/emotion to another. I am sure that it is thanks to the group work that I finally managed to create a relate with my character, but also on my side I tried to understand the character in order to be the character himself and create this famous relate.

- How has working on the concerns of your scenes impacted your thinking ?

From my point of view, what impacted my thoughts working on the concerns of our scenes is

that sometimes we need others to accomplish things in life, doing everything alone is often

not the right solution, sharing our ideas about a project is positive for the success of the project.

- How does movement create meaning in this performance ?

In my opinion, the movement allows the spectator to better understand what is happening in

the performance by looking at the movements performed by the actor and his facial expressions. It allows him to understand things not understood orally.

- How does voice work impact self-expression and self-confidence ?

Voice work allows for better oral expression and self-confidence because the voice in part,

reflects our personality. Sometimes you can know a person’s personality just by the sound of


UBO questionnaire

their voice. This makes it possible to show that by working with one’s voice, one can imitate

several voices, and that with only one thing one can do a lot.

- How is a ‘troupe’ feeling created ?

A feeling of "troupe" is created with a lot of group work, which includes, as for example,

team warm-ups that strengthens the work together, creates relates of solidarity, friendship...

The fact that each person has a specific role in the group also reinforces this feeling.

- What do you think is the most effective form of communication to advertise

theatre in English in France ?

I do not really think but in my opinion, the most effective form of communication for advertising theatre is simply to invite people to theatrical performances.

- Give an example and show how you would adapt marketing ‘One-Act Plays’ for a

specific target group (e.g. young, teenage, university students, adults only, all ages?

For the youngest, for example, the scenes will be more based on comedy, to entertain them,

of 100% laughter, whereas for an older audience, we will not be afraid to talk about everyday

life, the ups and downs of everyday life, and to denounce certain things by using theatre, but

all this with always a touch of comedy.

- How did speaking constantly in English during our time together impact your level of

English ? Do you feel more at ease speaking in English now? Explain your answer

with an example.

Yes, speaking constantly


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