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Superhero essay

Dissertation : Superhero essay. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  27 Février 2020  •  Dissertation  •  1 295 Mots (6 Pages)  •  722 Vues

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 Wacym Terki,Kevin Toussaint,Charlotte Bélair,Luis Zocadagui,Chloé Beaudoin

Yorston Heather


Septembre 13,2019

252 word


Gender :https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-problem-with-female-superheroes/

In the article by Thessaly Laforce, Why do Asian-Americans remain largely unseen in film and television, she states that : I can count on one hand the actors of Asian descent who made an impression on me growing up... In choosing a superhero of Asian ethnicity, we can contribute to inspire children and adults who feel dissatisfied by what they largely see in film and television. We can inspire them because they can now look up to our superhero and declare that they are not alone. The truth is we don't see enough of them and by seeing more we could help eliminate the racial stereotypes in movies, books and popular culture.Also the reason why our super hero is a young girl it’s because most of the time Asian people and especially the women in comic book have all the same abilities. They are all specialized in a martial art or they’ve been trained to be an assassin at a young age like Lady Shiva in the DC Universe. We can also add that their character traits are often the same.They are represented as the perfect ninja who doesn't speak to anyone like Katana in the DC Universe. It‘s hard to find diversity in the capacity of an Asian girl in the comics. This is why we took a girl. We want to be original. We try to remove the stereotype that they are just good in martial art. They are not weapon and we should not treat them like they were.

Version corrigée du texte à remettre vendredi 4 octobre:

A typical hero mold nowadays seems to be an underdog who happens to be a white male character who discovers his powerful abilities to beat a source of evil power. This time, we need a character that comes from a minority who could offer and give a different vision of a superhero and a role model to look up to for the youngsters of those same minorities. Our superhero  is a young and special girl who happens to be Japanese and who acquires the power to draw almost anything and make it come to life.  As a young girl, our superhero developed a passion for arts and crafts and, from a young age, drew as much as she could and improved drastically over time. Thanks to her wealthy parents our hero was able to spend most of her time refining her skills as an artist. Taking into account that the Asian culture is normally depicted as evil, wrongdoing or even mischievous, we decided to have an Asian superhero to dull all the stereotypes related to the Asian race; an ethnicity that almost always gets the short end of the stick and get pushed into the shadows by repeatedly getting compared to the Caucasians who we know and love such as Captain America, Spider-Man and Iron Man. These men are popular examples of the regular superheroes; heroes which are all white male characters. Lately, to appeal to a wider audience, massive corporations like Marvel and DC are making the effort to promote movies with strong female leads. This change, just like having more and more people and characters of minorities in superhero movies, has a purpose to bring diversity and role models for the viewers of such movies. Our choice of a young girl as a superhero serves the same purpose; a role model not only for girls who aspire to become a great superhero, but children who can see themselves in this female character.



Main Character: Yin Yamashita

Villain: Tomoyuki Yamashita (her father)

  1. Characteristics (Kevin)

  • Race: Asian
  • Gender: Female
  • Body type: small, slim
  • Physical: In shape
  • Cognitive: high intelligence
  • Mental disability: She becomes mute after she learned that her father killed her mother.

  • Origin story (Luis):

The year is 2040, the Japanese and the Americans have been battling for years during a war. (EXPLAIN) In time, the Japanese have grown drastically in power. Using their advanced technology, they believe they’re gaining an important advantage over the American forces. Using their newly found technology, they intend on building a weapon which will annihilate their enemies and allow them to win the war.

At the beginning of the war. The general of the Japanese army, Yamashita, tried to find new ways to take the world by surprise and eventually he got the idea to form an organised team of expert assassins. The team was used to take out important high ranking American officers and leaders worldwide while also causing havoc in the war. The team consisted of multiple exceedingly skilled agents. For a few years, the team succeeded in their missions and completed most of the tasks. As the general’s daughter grew, he started to realise that she was perfect for the team. Of course, this implementation of Yin into the team wasn’t a surprise to anyone. Being only eight years old, she was already recognized for her high intelligence and her amazing acrobatic skills.


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