Angalis, narrative essay
Cours : Angalis, narrative essay. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Ioné Deroode • 14 Septembre 2017 • Cours • 999 Mots (4 Pages) • 928 Vues
English 101
Dr. Amber Hendricks
I always ask myself a lot of things: I wonder why we don't have the same color of skin, why we do not have the same taste, how two people can love each other at the same time, how a man can changes in so little time. But most of the time, one of all these questions come back: I wonder why me and not someone else?
I'm that kind of girl who always hides her feelings, which leaves her chance to seem less ridiculous, who never dare to say something to not be rude. The kind of girl who spends more than an hour in the bathroom to look less ugly. That separates the real from the false friends. The one that looks small from the outside but strong inside because she supports all the weight of her past. This kind of girl who loves in secret, who likes the same boy for so many months. I always have the habit of exaggerating everything. When I'm cold, I Scott. When I was bleeding, I had a hemorrhage. When I was hurt, I was dying. When I stuck my finger in a door, I was going to be amputated. When I was a 0/10 I said I was going to work harder. When I get home late, I say that I ran home while I jogged. When I say that I hate math, then it's just I don't like to learn my lessons by heart. When I say I'm fat, I only have one or two pounds to lose. I exaggerate even when I say I'm just exaggerating. This kind of girl, it's me. And again, I ask myself why am I like that and why am I not different? "Why me and not someone else?". If I wasn't like that, if I wasn't this girl, is my past would have been different? Are these things that have me injured or rendered happy would have been the same? I wish. Why? Cause I falled in love, one time.
It was in December, I met the guy I was looking for, the "perfect guy". An athlete with a lovely way of being. He was my first love. I remember the day he finally noticed me, he gave me a beautiful smile, that day, I knew that our friendship would be like no other. I also remember the day I finally opened my eyes and I noticed that every day there was not an hour I wasn't thinking about him, and then I knew that from the beginning there was something between us. I'm simply fall in love with him, I wasn't the only one to have noticed, all the world knew that from the beginning. I was happy with him, get him on the phone for hours there was nothing else that could make me happier. Unfortunately nothing lasts forever, it had that distance between us (I'm studying in USA and he is in France) and proves that even the best things have an end. We went through so many things. In fact, he was the best but also the worst part of me. The best when we were together, the worst when we broke up. Yes I was wrong, all these projects we had all these desires which have disappeared within a few seconds, I thought that life was no longer present me, all around me gave the impressions to be destruction. I got the impression that everyone fell on me, that all my dreams away running.