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Essay on Cedar Creek

Fiche : Essay on Cedar Creek. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  31 Mai 2023  •  Fiche  •  284 Mots (2 Pages)  •  247 Vues

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In the small town of Cedar Creek, there lived a group of individuals who were unlike any other. Their physical appearances were far from conventional, with some possessing extra limbs, others with scales, and a few even had tentacles. These "monsters" were the talk of the town, but what most people didn't realize was that their "freakish" qualities were actually assets in their lives.

Take Sarah, for example. She had been born with a tail that was the envy of her classmates. It allowed her to balance on tightrope-thin ledges and climb trees with ease. Her tail had even saved her life once, when she had fallen off a cliff and used it to grip onto a branch until help arrived.

Then there was Jack, who had webbed fingers that made him an excellent swimmer. His love for the water had led him to become a successful Olympic swimmer, and he now held several world records.

Even the town's resident "monster," a towering figure with horns and red eyes named Damien, had found success. His appearance may have scared some, but it also made him the perfect candidate for a horror movie. He had landed a leading role in a blockbuster film and was now a household name.

Yes, the people of Cedar Creek may have seen these individuals as monsters, but to each other, they were just normal people with unique abilities. They had formed a close-knit community and supported each other through life's ups and downs.

As Sarah sat atop a tree branch, watching the sunset with Jack and Damien, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her tail and the life it had given her. They may have been different, but they were proud of it.


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