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Question tags

Cours : Question tags. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  19 Septembre 2021  •  Cours  •  356 Mots (2 Pages)  •  622 Vues

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A.        You are at a barbeque. Add tags to help start a friendly conversation:

1. It's a big garden, ……………………………………………………………?

2. There aren't many people here yet, ……………………………………?

3. You're Celia's friend, ………………………………………………………?

4. You came together, ………………………………………………………?

5. These burgers look good, ………………………………………………?

6. We can sit on the grass, …………………………………………………?

7. We've been lucky with the weather, ……………………………………?

8. The forecast wasn't very good, ……………………………………………?

B.        Complete the conversation. Put in the question tags:

Joanna:         You don't really want to marry me, ……………………………………?

Dominic:        of course I do, but I need time.

Joanna:         You love me, ……………………………………?

Dominic:         You know I love you. I've told you enough times, …………………………?

Joanna:        You're quite happy,        ……………………………………? The situation doesn't bother you, ……………………………………?

Dominic:        Why are we arguing? There's nothing to argue about, …………………?

Joanna:         You can't ever see things from my point of view, …………………………?

C.        Complete the conversation. Put in the question tags:

Mary:         Let's go out somewhere tonight, …………………………?

Jeff:         All right. Where?

Mary:        You haven't got the local paper, …………………………? Pass it over here.

        Thanks. Well, there's a new bar opening tonight on the High Street...

Jeff:         Fine, but I haven't got any money. You couldn't lend me twenty pounds,…………………?

Mary: Ok, I'll pay for the drinks then. I'll meet you outside at eight o'clock. Don't be late, …………………………?

UNE AUTRE LANGUE                          Et le monde s'ouvre à vous.....        


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