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Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions.

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Par   •  12 Décembre 2022  •  Compte rendu  •  375 Mots (2 Pages)  •  431 Vues

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Collège de Maisonneuve

English P20

Name:         Alison Kapela                                                                                /12

Watch Malcolm Gladwell’s TED Talk about Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce and answer the following questions.


  1. Why is Howard Moskovitz famous?

For inventing spaghettis sauce

  1. What did Pepsi want Moskovitz to do?

They needed help with the diet Pepsi, they needed to figure out how much

Aspertin should go in each can.

  1. What was Moskovitz’ revelation while working for Pepsi?

The data doesn’t add up it’s a mess. They have been looking for the wrong thing pepsi instead of pepsies

  1. Through his work for Prego, what did he discover about people’s preference for spaghetti sauce?

He discovered that American love either one of these 3 spaghetti sauce plain, spaghetti sauce spicy and those who like it extra chunky. He realized that American prefers a chunky sauce, this type of sauce that wasn’t being sold in any market.

  1. How did this discovery change food marketing?

They realized that they have been thinking the wrong way,

  1. What did the food industry used to believe was the best way to find out what customers wanted?

They used to believe that asking their customers was the best way to find out what they wanted.

  1. What is vertical segmentation?

Its to give people thing that are more expensive and make them turn their back on what they think they like.

  1. What is the “Platonic dish”?

The platonic dish is an ideal version of one dish that is being cooked to be approved by everyone.

  1. In what three ways did Howard Moskovitz change the food marketing industry? Refer to questions 6, 7 and 8 to help you.

By the understanding of variability

  1. How does Moskovitz’ discovery about food apply to life?

He discovered that by embracing diversity of humain we would live in a better environment


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