Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?
Dissertation : Spaces and Exchanges: how haw advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Arnaud Lmb • 2 Mai 2017 • Dissertation • 580 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 515 Vues
Synthèse n°2 D’anglais
I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin with it, I'd like to give a definition of exchange. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people, trade, advertising etc. In this synthese, we are going to speak about the advertising because nowadays, when you open your eyes, when we go outside, we are always exposed to advertising.
How has advertising changed and adapted over the year to influence our choices and our lifestyle?
First we are going to speak about the different type of advertising and how advertiser adapt advertisement for now.
Secondly, we speak about how advertising can help companies to touch people with different good or bad campaign.
Today, the advertising is a popular culture. But what is advertising ? Advertising is the promotion of a campaign product and services. It’s goal is to drive sels of the products but also to build a brand identity and communicates with customers. For example, thirty years ago, American people were exposed to 560 ads day whearas nowadays, they watch 3500.To get maximum exposure, a good campaign incorporates several types of advertising. The more popular is the outdoor advertising and radio advertising because the first as display was on billboards or bus stops, at radio etc. With technology advances, the advertiser saw a lot of people passed more time to watch TV or they are or their computer. This is for that they adopt new type of advertising like online advertising, In store advertising or covert advertising. This new type of advertising aims to follow you from everywhere when you browse the internet. They can come from your mailbox, on TV, advertisers can call you at home.The problem is that now many people want to avoid advertisements because they are too present in their lives. To counter this phenomenon, people isolate themselves on the internet, download software allowing to delete directly the bad emails.The advertisers see that people no longer want ads, so they decide to use less but make them more original, as the BIC pub proves. She has created a pub with which one can interact in the form of a video. Thanks to this originality, BIC has succeeded in making new customers.
Nowadays, most advertising are commercial and incite us to buy the products. Advertisers want to make their wonderful ads as if it was the best products like nike adidas etc.
We can see that advertisements are increasingly frowned upon but they can be used for good causes. Many humanitarian, environmental, safety etc. companies seek to convey messages through their advertisements because few people know these companies. Several polls have approved that the pubs of these companies affected people more than traditional pubs. We can take for example the “wash your hands with soap” campaign. It was lauched in Africa, Ghana. The people you are targetted were the ghanains but particulary mothers and children. They wanted to promote hygiene and clearnesse to avoid infection disseases. Advertising can be used for evil like tabacco or alcohol. Advertising can be compared is a weapon because it has a lot of impact, it is very powerful and it can influence our behavious. People can't resist pressure and are manipulated.