Article about Slumdog Millionnaire
Étude de cas : Article about Slumdog Millionnaire. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar noser • 13 Décembre 2017 • Étude de cas • 546 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 188 Vues
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Resume of the article
This article talks about the famous movie "Slumdog Millionaire". And the least we can say about it, is that the film, at the time of its release, was far from having a unanimously positive response. Indeed, many people think that the picture should not be judged as an actual movie and that it makes light of the problems of poverty in India and consequently distracts from it.
Now, just look at the title of this article "Prize-winning Film or Poverty Porn" : That says it all. What is controversial and actually quite shocking , is that two of the child actors themselves live in slums, and that they were invited to Los Angeles for the film Premier showing. Just imagine going from the filthy, infested, inhuman slums to the paradisiac Hollywood- home to all the rich and famous! The irony of this is quite startling! People from India disagree with the way the country was represented in the movie. Which cannot be contradicted because the movie focuses only the inequalities and the negative aspects of Indian life, and not the emerging, economically booming India. In addition to this, people from Dharavi, the slum where most of the picture was filmed, were unhappy ( they interpreted the word "dog" as a being an insult - a dog for them is not a pet but a villain). The movie was inevitably compared to the Bollywood films, as is seen where one obstacle after another is placed in the paths of the love interests. However, unlike Bollywood "Slumdog Millionaire" is a realistic movie, with no filters whatsoever. It treats the themes of violence, criminality, child abuse, in a natural manner. It can also be compared to the movie "City of God" which treats the problems that the children of the Brazilian favelas face. [pic 1][pic 2]
To conclude, we can say that the movie has two purposes : firstly it can be viewed as sheer entertainment and secondly it deals with the reality of the difficulties that India is undergoing. And like every movie, like everything really, of course it's going to get negative returns! Despite the fact that for some people it is controversial, the movie was a real success.
Resume of Slumdog Millionaire
The story of Slumdog Millionaire is told almost entirely in flashbacks. The story begins when Jamal Malik is being questioned on the world famous quiz show "Who wants to be a Millionaire". He then, gets tortured by the police because he is suspected of cheating of the show. Jamel explains how he managed to answer all of the questions. Then, we understand as we are given flashbacks through is childhood. We then, learn about his experiences with his brother Salim and is friend, Latika. Jamal and Salim's mother is killed when anti-Muslim rioters attack their neighborhood. It's after that, that Latika who is also an orphan joins the two boys. All three of them meet a wicked and dangerous man that practices child abuse. Indeed, he blinds children so that people can feel more pity for them when they go begging for money ( it's a fact, blind beggars make more money). Thankfully, they managed to ran away.