Composition sur la politique américaine après la seconde Guerre mondiale
Dissertation : Composition sur la politique américaine après la seconde Guerre mondiale. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Quentin Gomes • 10 Mai 2020 • Dissertation • 688 Mots (3 Pages) • 642 Vues
The Cold War was finished by the capitulation of Japan, the United States already entered in the Cold War, what is shown by the use of the nuclear bomb in order to show it technological superiority over the USSR.
During this period, the United States adopted the political doctrine of interventionism, which is government policy or practice of doing things to directly influence the economy of the country or the political affairs of another country. The first document is a cartoon of Herblock drawn in 1949 and the second document is a photo taken during the Berlin blockade from June 24, 1948 to May 12, 1949.
What foreign policy did the United States apply after the Second World War, particularly in Europe ?
In the first part, we will see the containment of the Soviet expansion through the application of the Truman doctrine in Europe which is accompanied by the Marshall Plan. Then in the second part, we will see the American interventionism in Europe.
Firstly, Europe is devastated, ruined and in need of reconstruction. In order to stem the Soviet expansion in Europe, the United States set up the Truman doctrine on March 12, 1947. This doctrine aims to fight communism in particulary in West Europe by an economic aid, it is the Marshall plan. This economic aid aims to rebuild Europe in order to avoid that the European populations therefore in extreme poverty which will result in a rise in the extremes therefore of communism.
The firts document, presents us this economic aid through an industrialized and mechanized territory, it represents Western Europe which is separated by a barrier which is the Iron Curtain (term defined by Churchill during his speech at the university of Fulton) and on the other side of the barrier we have a communist territory which is poor and without machines. This territory represents Communist Eastern Europe and is led by Stalin. We see that the people in communist territory look in the Western Europe which is rich allowed by the Marshall Plan, we can see here countries like the Polish People's Republic which had to refuse the Marshall plan in 1947 because of the communist attention of the USSR when this plan was already applied in Europe.
This doctrine here has an important role in the containment of Soviet expansion in Europe during the Cold War and in the capitalist victory. It was one of the major foreign policies of the United States during the Cold War and it is linked with the doctrine of interventionism.
Then, in a second part, the USA set up an interventionist foreign policy notably in Europe which is a capitalist pillar. This is shown during the Berlin blockade where, faced with the rise of American influence in the communist countries, Stalin will set up a blockade in Berlin on June 24, 1948, preventing the Berliners present in the western part from getting supplies. The Usa will then retaliate in order to save the