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English test on Vancouver

Résumé : English test on Vancouver. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  10 Mars 2021  •  Résumé  •  413 Mots (2 Pages)  •  502 Vues

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KAHOUL Tessa 2°7  

                                                                            DEVOIR COMMUN EN ANGLAIS


  1. The city of Vancouver needs to invest to get prepared in cas of inundations and strong winds

  1. A)  Vancouver is focused on being among the most resilient, livable and green cities in the world. There are other cities that have to deal with this environmental problem.

b) Vancouver wants to take the right steps and adapt to climate change. The city wants to spend $ 1 billion to prepare for the new floods.

         3) The Coastal Flood Risk Assessment report examined five possible models for flooding as a result of rising water, and suggested between 1,700 and 4,800 households would be displaced, depending on how quickly the level increases. Between 5,000 and 14,300 would need shelter, according to the report.

        4) For me, the correct title for the document is "act realistically for the city" because Vancouver is a city at risk and flooding is very likely. They act so that the whole city keeps its shelters because of the strong storms.


We are in 2020 and i imagine life in 2100:

  Demography will generate struggles to enlarge the territories of certain countries. The society will be that of waste, which will see an increase in islands of waste, in parallel we should see the appearance of new recycling systems, in particular bacterial cells which will be supposed to provide energy by feeding on our waste.

Technological breakthroughs will disrupt communication and human relationships that will deteriorate or even disappear. The writing will replace the oral

In so-called advanced countries, entertainment will take precedence over work, work will be provided by so-called non-advanced countries. In order to have work, you will have to relocate, especially abroad, family life will become difficult, in some cases leading to having no more children

Among the transport innovations, it could be that there are flying cars?

The sea will be increasingly exploited, habitat platforms will emerge.


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