Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group
Fiche : Anglais, The purpose of testing the data variables for Group. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar ARNAS Zabarauskas • 22 Février 2018 • Fiche • 1 293 Mots (6 Pages) • 1 165 Vues
The purpose of testing the data variables for Group #3 (4 members) was to check and confirm the main hypothesis that has been raised, which is how the companies CSR, communication to customers, product aesthetics itself and the price factors are influential towards the online purchase decision making process. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyze collected data (quantitative methods-surveys) collected from 662/732 variable samples (70 of them were deleted due the errors in test answers, which gave the validity of 90.4 %. Appendix 1.2 below). Since testing results came out as a correlative at 0.01 level, it is safe to state, that the results are reliable and trustworthy. The method of perceiving the answers was a provision of the answer scale of 1 to 7, where: (the choice of 1 represents the non-importance, and going upwards from 1,2,3…to 7, represents higher level of importance within each higher number)
The students group (Group #3) has found out that the consumers (people) tend to make purchases online in between the range of once a month to a couple of times per year. The reason behind the increased numbers of online purchasing, most likely to be an improving safety factors nowadays. It appears, that 82,2% of the people has claimed, that their personal security is in a high notch when considering online purchases (5.77/7). Once people gets appeal of a trust factor, test samples showed that aesthetics of the website or network they buy from is important (mean of 5.26), which is a fair amount above of the neutral level of importance (4). Even though it seems it is important, but it still highlights the lowest importance ratio in terms of satisfaction of functions, in comparison to the factors of a confirmation screen (6.05/7), or returns and exchange policies, which plays the most influential (6.14/7) role of getting a consumer committed to the purchase and its process. Consumers also expect to reach their retailers in quick and easy ways related the purchased or a good, that is willing to be purchased (5.96/7).
Once group #3 has tested the consumer behavioral side, the time has come to test the physical and appeal factors of the product itself. For a surprise of the researches due the business competitiveness, it seems that the actual brand is not as strong factor (5.05/7) as in example price (6,19) and quality, which is the highest (6.39/7). Based on statistical research, it is safe to make a statement, that price and quality relation overcomes the brand as an influential commitment factor to buy goods. Test samples showed, that people either not care about the product origin (3.99/7).
- People Are tend to make purchases online in a range of monthly to a couple of times perThe year
- The importance of the security including safety of the identification, Personal information, payment details are on a on a level of high importance (5.77 out of 7)
- The design of a layout and aesthetics of a website is important for them when they are making a purchase decision (5.26 out of 7)
- The confirmation screen is a highly important part of purchasing process (6,05 out of 7)
- Return and exchange policies are higly important when making a purchase decision (6.14 out of 7)
- Communication with a retailer is really important when a consumer is making or placed the order (5.96 out of 7)
- Brand plays a role a little higher than average when making a purchase decision (5.05 out of 7)
- Quality of a product is the highest factor of making a purchase decision in comparison to the other above (6.39 out of 7)
- The price is also a high factor in a reliance of decision making process (6,19 out of 7)
- The importance of a product origin is average, neither nor important (3.99 out of 7)
1.2 appendix .Case Processing Summary | |||
N | % | ||
Cases | Valid | 662 | 90,4 |
Excludeda | 70 | 9,6 | |
Total | 732 | 100,0 | |
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. |
Reliability Statistics | |
Cronbach's Alpha | N of Items |
,816 | 3 |
Case Processing Summary | |||
N | % | ||
Cases | Valid | 655 | 89,5 |
Excludeda | 77 | 10,5 | |
Total | 732 | 100,0 | |
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. |
Reliability Statistics | |
Cronbach's Alpha | N of Items |
,569 | 5 |
Case Processing Summary | |||
N | % | ||
Cases | Valid | 678 | 92,6 |
Excludeda | 54 | 7,4 | |
Total | 732 | 100,0 | |
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure. |
Reliability Statistics | |
Cronbach's Alpha | N of Items |
,649 | 6 |
Correlations | |||||
3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Environmentally friendly production | 3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Protects human rights | 3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Contributes to local communities | |||
Spearman's rho | 3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Environmentally friendly production | Correlation Coefficient | 1,000 | ,621** | ,506** |
Sig. (2-tailed) | . | ,000 | ,000 | ||
N | 699 | 686 | 669 | ||
3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Protects human rights | Correlation Coefficient | ,621** | 1,000 | ,560** | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,000 | . | ,000 | ||
N | 686 | 710 | 683 | ||
3 What CSR activities (by companies) are important to you? - Contributes to local communities | Correlation Coefficient | ,506** | ,560** | 1,000 | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,000 | ,000 | . | ||
N | 669 | 683 | 692 | ||
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |
Correlations | |||||||
3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Security : ID account, log in with personal data | 3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Aesthetics (design, layout) | 3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Confirmation screen | 3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Return policy and exchange services | 3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Easy and timely communication with the retailer | |||
Spearman's rho | 3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Security : ID account, log in with personal data | Correlation Coefficient | 1,000 | ,043 | ,220** | ,171** | ,161** |
Sig. (2-tailed) | . | ,260 | ,000 | ,000 | ,000 | ||
N | 705 | 690 | 677 | 694 | 695 | ||
3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Aesthetics (design, layout) | Correlation Coefficient | ,043 | 1,000 | ,209** | ,178** | ,202** | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,260 | . | ,000 | ,000 | ,000 | ||
N | 690 | 708 | 681 | 697 | 697 | ||
3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Confirmation screen | Correlation Coefficient | ,220** | ,209** | 1,000 | ,365** | ,295** | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,000 | ,000 | . | ,000 | ,000 | ||
N | 677 | 681 | 693 | 683 | 686 | ||
3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Return policy and exchange services | Correlation Coefficient | ,171** | ,178** | ,365** | 1,000 | ,430** | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,000 | ,000 | ,000 | . | ,000 | ||
N | 694 | 697 | 683 | 712 | 702 | ||
3 We want to know which functions of a website are important to you when you buy online. - Easy and timely communication with the retailer | Correlation Coefficient | ,161** | ,202** | ,295** | ,430** | 1,000 | |
Sig. (2-tailed) | ,000 | ,000 | ,000 | ,000 | . | ||
N | 695 | 697 | 686 | 702 | 711 | ||
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). |