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British Empire

Cours : British Empire. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Août 2024  •  Cours  •  381 Mots (2 Pages)  •  52 Vues

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As you know, The British Empire is a collection of territories that were governed or

administered by England and then the United Kingdom . It is the largest empire ever

created in human history.

At the time of the great discoveries the British Empire established it’s colonies in North

America. Like other European colonial empires, the British Empire practised slavery,

causing the deportation of nearly 3.5 million Africans to English America as part of the

triangular trade.

At present, fourteen territories remain under British sovereignty. Most of the former

colonies belong to the Commonwealth, a free association of sovereign states.

Let's look at the example of Malta


Malta is a southern European island state located in the middle of the Mediterranean, 93

kilometers south of Sicily. It is made up of eight islands.

Its strategic location, between the Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean,

has earned it the covetousness and occupation of many powers over the ages. Malta

gained independence from the United Kingdom on September 21, 1964.

Malta has one national language, Maltese, and two official languages, Maltese and


But you may be wondering why english ? let's answer this question with a bit of history


During the 18th century, the archipelago of Malta became, under French influence

Faced with this occupation, the Maltese people sought support from the King of Naples

and from the enemy of the French at the time, England.

Malta was a British colony for 164 years, from 1814 to 1979. During this period, the British

Empire had a significant influence on the island, and this period had both positive and

negative impacts on Malta.

During British colonization, Malta underwent significant modernization of its infrastructure

like the malta Railway.

The Malta Railway was the only railway line ever


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