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Expression Ecrite type bac anglais LV1

Synthèse : Expression Ecrite type bac anglais LV1. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  26 Mars 2020  •  Synthèse  •  383 Mots (2 Pages)  •  762 Vues

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Sujet 3

Dear Sue,

No harm meant, and i do understand that it may get on your nerves to read or hear here and there that woman are good for nothing except cooking and cleaning.

God knows it’s not what i meant in my previous letter !

It was merely an observation, and you can deny it !

Even though doors are open, as you say, and women theoretically have the possibility to graduate in more sophisticated or advanced subjects than home economics, in reality, they seldom do !

Maybe you, and women like you, have to pave the way for future generations.

Maybe you will be an example to the future girls and women who will emancipate thgemselfin a more equal society.

I know you are strong and you can be your turn, a true pioneer of modern times.

It’s true that great progress has been made but still today, we can get things done !

And it’s with women like you, stubborn, rebellious and free, who are not afraid to protest and stand up together against sexist society, that mentalities will finally be able to evolve towards parity, equality and freedom for all women of the world.

I’m proud of you,


Sujet 3

Dear Sue,

No harm meant, and i do understand that it may get on your nerves to read or hear here and there that woman are good for nothing except cooking and cleaning.

God knows it’s not what i meant in my previous letter !

It was merely an observation, and you can deny it !

Even though doors are open, as you say, and women theoretically have the possibility to graduate in more sophisticated or advanced subjects than home economics, in reality, they seldom do !

Maybe you, and women like you, have to pave the way for future generations.

Maybe you will be an example to the future girls and women who will emancipate thgemselfin a more equal society.

I know you are strong and you can be your turn, a true pioneer of modern times.

It’s true that great progress has been made but still today, we can get things done !

And it’s with women like you, stubborn, rebellious and free, who are not afraid to protest and stand up together against sexist society, that mentalities will finally be able to evolve towards parity, equality and freedom for all women of the world.

I’m proud of you,



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