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FLESH PUPPET - English Homework

Compte rendu : FLESH PUPPET - English Homework. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Octobre 2024  •  Compte rendu  •  448 Mots (2 Pages)  •  30 Vues

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On the verge of tears, a woman asked me to stop pointing my gun at her. It’s a cruel treatment, I have to play the games, however I won’t kill her.

Another group kept moving to the secret control room where each life is only a data. We have always been only simple puppets for the politicians. They control over our mentality thanks to the barcode we have on our neck.
But all of that should be over soon through us, the Smith Corporation.

I took a quick glance and point my gun successively at 3 men who looked important. I didn’t want to kill them, I just needed them to follow me.
I caught up with the mercenaries in front of the control room to wait for my instructions, accompanied by my hostages.

-Saïba, we no longer need you.
Everything happened extremely fast.
I frowned, I hope I’ve misunderstood, then I saw my friend laid down, drowned in a red liquid. I haven’t even opened my mouth when the mercenary shot me then shut the door.

I put my hands on my belly where my blood is flowing.
I let out a brief scream of pain while thinking inside me it can’t end like that. My hostages have gone with the mercenary. I reflected, moaning in pain.  

-See, how they do it in movies... I... I have to...
I took a deep breath. I made a strip with pieces of torn fabric and tie it tightly with my belt. I got up and go to the exit trying to forget the pain that was running through my body. I’m now bleeding profusely.

The Egocity’s white paths were bloodstained, but after only 5 minutes the blood was immediately cleaned by a robot-cleaner. That was crazy, it was exactly like the advertisement. It was such a change from below where everything is muddy. Oddly the paths were deserted. I took the first TTC I found. From below, in my city, we didn’t have it.

The TTC, or Tube Transport System,was like a tube in the air which allowed us to travel as fast as we teleported. I heard that we could go wherever until there is a TTC at the place we wanted to go. I didn’t know how to use it, moreover my blood was still flowing.

I’m totally exhausted, I couldn’t die like that... I was thrown like a full bin. I knew this was too good to be real, I was just a cog for the Smith Corporation too. They only wanted to take control and dominate the world. I dropped into the tube.

--- END ---


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