Oral d'anglais sur le diner
Discours : Oral d'anglais sur le diner. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar EMIE.DAUL • 25 Mai 2024 • Discours • 1 343 Mots (6 Pages) • 237 Vues
A-Oh elea is that you ?
B-Oh Emie, hey what’s goin on ?
A- well i’m great.I've just returned from Cambodia.
B- insane.for my part, the last few months have not been very cheerful
A-Oh i’m sorry, I hadn’t noticed.
B- oh don't be sorry, I did spend a holiday with my family in england.
A-ah it gave you a chance to recharge your batteries.
B-yes indeed
A-great. HUM. Do you fancy a drink ?
B-Actually, i’m starving so would you like to join me for lunch ?
A-yes with pleasure.
B- alright, i know a good restaurant near here.
A-great let’s go.
B- Hello, Do we have to make a reservation ?
C- Hello guys no you don’t need to make a reservation to lunch.
B-alright, Do you have any free tables ?
C-yes, we still have some of them.
A-so i would like a table for two by the window.
C-sure please follow me.
A- Thank you. So what would you like to drink ?
B-I’m not sure. A sparkling water or a syrop.And you
A- a beer i think
B- yes good choice. I’m going to avoid drinking alcohol.The last time I had a hangover.
A-ouh. you'd better stay in the water.
C-Are you being served ?
C- Are you ready to order ?
B- No i’m not ready to order yet but could you help me ?
C-Yes of course.
B-What would you recommend ?
C- Well,so we make really good pizzas and our lasagna is excellent.
A- Oh and Do you have salads ?
C- yes of course, we have country salad or the special of the day .
A-oh that sounds great. What’s today’s special ?
C- Today we propose a lamb and potato ragout.
A-That sounds good. I’ll have that please.
C- And you miss did you chose ?
B- yes i think i’ll have the lasagna as well.
C- very good choice ! Would you like an appetizer ?
A- no thanks i’ts more than enough for me but Can i have a beer please ?
C-Which beer would you like ?
A-I’ll have a pint of lager .
C- ok and you ?
B- I’m gonna take a sparkling water please.
C- Alright i’ll be right back in a minute .
B- she is very nice .
C- so here you are. A beer and a sparkling water. The lasagna and the lamb and potato ragout.
C- Do you enjoy your meal ?
A-So how was your holidays with your family ?
B-it was relaxing except for reserving a car which was complicated.
A- Oh that’s a shame ! Where did you reserve the car ?
B-ABC car rental.
C- Oh i know this compagny. It’s really bad and causes nothing but problems.
B-Do you know this compagny ?
C-yes, i reserved one of their car to go to london and their services were bad.
B-what happened ?
C-To begin with,booking the car was very complicated.I had asked for a medium-sized car. What a surprise when I saw the huge car they had booked for me.I found it hard to drive.
B- for my part, i had some trouble getting the car back.I was scheduled to arrive to 2pm but i had to wait an hour to pick up my car.
A-What happened to you isn’t very funny.
C-worse things have happened to me.
A-What do you mean ?
C-Well, the car’s warning lights were on and the car stopped in the middle of the road. I thought i was going to die.
B-oh my god!Did they refound the reservation ?
C- Not at all. The insurance coverage was absurd.
A- for me the best car rental is Carflexi. You should try it next time .
C-Oh thanks i’ll try.But you didn’t answer my question ?
B-What was you question ?
C- Do you enjoy your meal ?
A-I’ts very hot but it is a delight.
B-the lasagna are delicious !
C- great ! Would you like some bread ?
A-That’s enough thanks. I thinks we’ll move on to dessert .
C- alright, i bring you the dessert menu.
B- thanks you.
C- and here it is.
C-What can I get you ?
A- well i’d like an apple pie please
C-we don’t have any more apple pie i’m sorry
A-oh ok so What do you have for dessert ?
C- I can suggest a vanilla ice cream with whipped cream, a pecan pie or a baked fresh cherry pie.
A- i’ll take a vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and you elea ?
B-well the baked fresh cherry looks delicious!What’s in this pie ?
C-This homemade cherry pie is perfectly sliceable with a thick almond-hinted cherry pie filling and a golden brown buttery flaky pie crust.
B- sounds great, i’ll take this
C- fine, Can i get you something else ?
A- yes i’ll have a glass of red wine.
B- i’d like one too .
A-excuse me How much is a bottle of red wine ?
C-25 dollars
A-alright we’ll take the bottle
C-OK i’ll be back in a minute.
C-so we have a bottle of red wine, a baked fresh cherry pie and a vanille ice cream.
B- And how was your vacation in cambodia ?
A-i’ve rarely had such a good vacation.
B-Which Hotel did you stay in ?
A-regency hotel
C- Excuse me I have to go to cambodia and i heard you talking about it. Can I join the conversation because i’m looking for a hotel ?
A- Yes of course. Would you like to drink something ?
C-No thanks so what’s the name of the hotel ?
A- Regency hotel it’s a very charming hotel.
C-It looks nice.
A-Yes it is and it’s not very expensive and the quality is excellent !
B-How much did it cost ?