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Fiche : WRITING PRACTICE. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  17 Février 2018  •  Fiche  •  309 Mots (2 Pages)  •  948 Vues

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I will speak about the new measures in Paris to gruadually ban older, more polluting cars from city center. In my opinion, it is a usefull reform.

Why ? Because of the pollution. Indeed, the rate of fine particles is too important in the air of the France’s capital, which affects  the health of the Paris’s inhabitants. Thanks to this type of regulation, the air should be reduce, and therefore make the air’s quality better.

In my view, it is also a way to impose progressively new less polluting vehicles, like electric cars for exemple. This is especially why I agree with this measure : because to my mind renewable energies are the future of our planet.  

However, I must admit that everybody can’t buy a new car, or a public transport subscription. This is for me the « limit » of this reform : how do you do in this case ?

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