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Synthèse anglais sur le progrès

Synthèse : Synthèse anglais sur le progrès. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  24 Avril 2020  •  Synthèse  •  543 Mots (3 Pages)  •  643 Vues

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Synthèse Anglais: Espaces et Échanges:

                           I am going to deal with the notion of spacse and exchanges. We can define spaces  as territories, virtual or physical and an exchange as an act of giving and receiving something else in return. It can be a continuous movement or circulation. Moreover there are different kinds of exchanges such as the media, people, trade.

Why does America attract so much?

Firstly, I’m going to talk about the American Dream.  Then America is a country that limits immigration. Finally we will talk about the values of America.

        First I am going to talk about the American Dream with the text American Land. The document is a song, written and sung by the American singer Bruce Springsteen in 2012. It is about the people who want to live in America for a better life. The author describes America as a rich country with « gold in the rivers », a nation of immigrants with ( the Blacks, the Irish, the Italians…). The American Dream is when people start from scratch and climb up the social ladder, and become very rich and have a good social place. The reasons why people were attracted to the USA is the Pull Factores as the freedom of expression, better salaries... The people who immigrated into the USA thought the American Dream existed. But very few of them made their dream come true, this dream was a myth for a majority of them. Nowadays this myth still attracts people, as in the 17th century when there was a wave of immigrants.

        Thirdly, i’m going to talk about the limitations of immigrants in America, with the cartoon by Mike Luckovich.

We can see the statue of Liberty lying along the Mexican border. She was turned on her side to make a fence to prevent immigrants from coming into the USA. The statue of Liberty is a guide showing them the way. Even this statue symbolizes tolerance, freedom, friendship and brotherhood, who welcomed the most destitute but now it is a wall to keep mexicans out. This cartoon criticizes recent immigration laws.

The mexicans and other immigrants want to come to the USA to  live the American Dream and a  better life, but because of the laws, they are forbidden. If they try, then they could pay with their lives.

  In conclusion, I think immigrateing  in the USA can be a real opportunity because there are lots of Hispanic celebrities who have lived their American Dream by succeeding in the USA. For example : Eva Longoria who owns a ranch near Corpus Christi, in Texas. After graduating from college, she entered a talent contest that brought her to Los Angeles. Eva Longoria became well known worldwide thanks to « Desperate Housewives ». She also has a contract with L’Oreal and has been named one of the most beautiful people.  But current policies limit all kinds of exchanges with the outside, since the coming of Donald Trump as president in 2016.


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