Murder story
Cours : Murder story. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar emmatllr • 25 Novembre 2019 • Cours • 644 Mots (3 Pages) • 553 Vues
My name is Olivia, i’m 17 years and i m going to tell you my storie which led me to the point where I am.
Everything starts on the 15 june 2018, my school year had just ended, i was with my friends. We formed a group welded who was having a good time together. That night, we decided to go in a beach party at San Diego. What better than to party to celebrate the end of the exams? So we were dancing when Liam had proposed to do a game: true or dare. We went in a quiet corner of the beach. It was exciting. But for spice up the game Max distributed pills, i didn’t know the effect it would have. Max said confident « don’t worry you are just going to have fun » so we had taked the pills. After thirty minutes, everybody felt well, we continued the game. The answers like « With whom would you like to have a relationship? » or « how many people did you kiss? » were chained and the dares of all kinds also. After a moment, we all left in the crowd. I was being in the middle of people, i was dancing, my head was turned, i started to be sad. So i went in the corner where we were before. And...
I don’t know what’s happened, all i know is that i was found dead the next morning on the beach. Yes i’m dead.
Several weeks after my death the police elucidated the crime. The Max’s pills were ecstasy and i did a bad trip. When i went at the bottom of the beach, i saw Justine a friend who is part of the group and the boys, Max, Liam, Zack and Leo near the rocks. Justine didn’t seem to feel good. The boys were talking, i approached and listened to their conversation even thought i wasn’t very lucid.
Zack said while looking Justine « go ahead man, she can’t refuse, look at her. It may be the only chance you’ll have, you know how she is! ». Léo reflected and said hesitantly « yeah and Max you said that she wouldn’t remember anythings, isn’t it? » Max answered proudly « of curse, you don’t trust me? » Leo said « yes, i think ».
I didn’t understand what was happening. It’s when i saw Léo caught Justine, then he started to kiss her that i understood. The others looked without saying anything or doing anything, they smiled as if what was happening was normal but no, this guy I thought was a friend, was raping my friend. And all the others with whom I have been friends for 6 years with whom we are friends approved. I stayed whithout doing anything like if i was paralysed.
When they saw me, they went to see me. They asked me what‘s i saw. I stammered, i was lost. They understood that i saw everything, so they argued and me i didn’t know what to do, i fainted. The boys were panicked and drunk so they decided to do worse. They transported me to the top of the cliff and let me go. I died instantly.
You’re probably wondering how I can tell you all that and how the police knew when I was dead.