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Présentation Full Metal Alchemist Anglais

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Présentation Full Metal Alchemist Anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  2 Novembre 2019  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  730 Mots (3 Pages)  •  552 Vues

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Full Metal Alchemist

Hi ! My name is Tansel and today i’m gonnna present you and review a manga. And this manga is named « Full Metal Alchemist ».

Full Metal Alchemist is a manga written and illustrated by Himoru Arakawa and firstly published on July two thousand and one. And it’s an shonen manga series that got in total 27 volumes.

You have to know that i’m reaally a big fan of all the culture about manga or anime. I watched over 40 anime and it’s still Full metal Alchemist that I prefer.

Although that it’s one of the most selled manga in the world with over 70 millions of sales, most of peoples don’t know the existence of this masterpiece. In order to resolve this problem, here I am ! And thanks to this video you will know a bit more about my favourite manga.

So, this manga takes place in a fictional universe which Alchemy is one of the advanced natural techniques revolved around scientific laws of equal exchange.

For example, thanks to the alchemy you can make a whole new radio with a broken one but you cannot make gold from dust. You must do a equivalent exchange.

And we follow the story of two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric.

These two brothers were raised only by their mother. But one day the mother get really sick and unfortunately dies. The two childs are now alone and extremely sad. But the oldest brother got an idea. He want to break the ultimate rule about alchemy wich is « Do not make human transmutation ».

That is to say that they will try to revive to life their mother by using Alchemy. So they bring together all the ingredients present in a human body and put it on an alchemy circle.

They begin the permutation together but it will fastly turn into a desaster. Indeed the permutation took the left leg of Elric and the entire body of Alphonse to balance the transmutation. But at the end they failed and did’nt even revive their mother, it only maked a monster at the border of life.

In a moment of despair Edward has exchanged his right arm to tie Alphonse's soul to a set of armor that was laying nearby.

And now, several years later, we follow the story of two alchemist brother, one with no arm and leg and the other with his soul tied into an armor. And they will try to find the philosopher’s stone, a relic wich don’t respect the law of equivalent exchange, in order to restore their bodies.

Now that you know the plot of the story you may find this story really dark, aannd you’re pretty right in fact. But the thing is that Full Metal Alchemist is not only a sad and dark story but rather a really philosophical story.

Because actually, the manga make us wonder a tons of question really hard to answer. I’m not gonna ask it to you because it will spoil many of the rebound of the book. Because yes, there is many rebound in the story.

In fact, Full Metal Alchemist is a great polar to me. As we go deeper in the story we know a bit more about the truth and who is behind all of this. You can discover corrupted big instances or secret organisations. But I let you discover by yourself.

In conclusion, i’m gonna tell you why this manga, is by far, my favourite one. It’s because Full Metal Alchemist is a big emotional story. We are sad when the characters are, we are angry and chocked when you know the truth.


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