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Rédiger un courrier en anglais

Dissertation : Rédiger un courrier en anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  23 Octobre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  323 Mots (2 Pages)  •  885 Vues

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Expression écrite :


300 Middlefield RD New York

NY 27087

Tuesday, March 31, 2013

Mrs. Jane Fairness

Global Exchange manager

967 Van Ness Avenue

CA 95051

Dear Miss,

I would like to thank you for your article about Nike and the interest you give to our company. I know that we did not respect the pledges made to end sweatshops and we regret it.

Nike’s 500 000 work-force still to toil, face harassment, earn low wages, and some are dismissed in an excessive way.

The article with the picture showing a Pakistani boy sewing together a Nike football was very embarrassing and have had a negative impact on Nike’s image worldwide.

However, I am thankful because your journalists made a useful work which allows us and other companies to correct and improve their image.

I will verify if measures about appalling condition faced by the work-force, specially those about the minimum age of employees are respected. I they are not respected, there will be sanctions.

I ask you to be lenient and understanding with us because it’s very difficult to manage more than half a million work-force worldwide, and it will take us time to find the key to solving all our problems.

Finally, I hope that I meet the expectations of the Global Exchange, and I am at your disposal for further details or information.

Sincerely yours,

Philip Knight

Nike’s General Manager

Answering the following question in English :

  1. Did Nike’s solutions resolve the problem? Why?

Nike’s solutions did not resolve the problem. Because in a report from the Global Exchange, these projects were a little benefit to Nike worker. It means that they had helped only a tiny minority of Nike workers. Moreover, Nike workers continue to toil and earn very low wages which they can’t meet their children’s basic needs.

  1. Which excuse did they give and why?

Nike says that they can’t find a formula because it’s different for each country. That answer is convenient for Nike because it allows them to pay lower wages to their workers.


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