The Odd couple
Fiche : The Odd couple. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Sanne van den Bosch • 26 Mai 2017 • Fiche • 457 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 136 Vues
Meeting the Other, love and friendship – The Odd Couple
→ Can birds of a different feather can flok together ?
The theme of the Odd Couple wich means a couple of person which isn't usual, wich can mix or not together.
Extract from Waiting for Godot ( 1954 ) by Samuel Beckett
Extract from Of Mice and Men ( 1937 ) by John Steinbeck
An adaptation : While waiting for Godot directed by Rudi Azank and made with a new york University cast and crew.
I'm going to try to answer the following question : Can birds of a different feather can flok together ?
First : The theatre of the absurd with Waiting for Godot
then : a mismatched couple
Finally : the adaptation, While waiting for Godot
● theatre of the absurd during the 20th century → particular plays of absurdist fiction, deals with the human condition and the absurdity of life
● Waiting for godot = two characters who are waiting for someone named Godot
One is pessimist ( Estragon ) and the other is optimist ( Vladimir ) → They are two sides of the same coins, Put together, they form one human being, one single identity
● repetitions « It's not certain » V l.53 - « Nothing is certain » E l.53
they repeat their own sentence : « Come on » V l.31 ...
● a gap between what the characters say and what they do : « Let's go » V → stage direction, They do not move
● Godot presented as a man « mister godot » l.5, ( a servant called Boy who reports Godot's words to the protagonists ). This Godot could be God, his presence is greatly needed
II -
● Farmhands who struggle for a living
● Two characters somehow mismatched but complementary : George and Lennie
G. is obviously mad at Lennie, he's a burden for him → Lennie is like a child / Lennie suggests leaving George alone.
● They evoke a fantasy about the futur : They hope to have their own land, to settle down
Lennie always wants George to tell this story ( like a bedtime story )
● a web serie : a cinematic adaptation based on a new translation of Samuel Beckett's original 1948 French