Odd couples: the BFG and Sophie
Fiche de lecture : Odd couples: the BFG and Sophie. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar kbmzd • 7 Juin 2017 • Fiche de lecture • 438 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 223 Vues
The Big Friendly Giant is a book written in 1982 By Roald Dahl and adapted in a movie by Steven Spielbierg in 2016
This is the story of a friendship between The Big Friendly Giant, a snooker eater, a raspberry drinker and a fervent reader of Darles Chickens, and Sophie, playful and ingenious little "earth" girl. two meeting between two beings that everything seems to oppose
A girl named Sophie encounters the Big Friendly Giant who, despite his intimidating appearance, turns out to be a kind-hearted soul who is considered as an outcast by the other giants because, unlike them, he refuses to eat children
Naturally scared at first, the young girl soon realizes that the giant is actually quite gentle and charming. It will become his friend and teammate to get rid of other much more bloodthirsty monsters.
First, we can say that there’s a contrast between the two characters because Sophie is an orphan little girl and we can also see that she’s quite lonely, so we can say she is the figure of reality in the story whereas the BFG is the figure of the marvelous in the story because he’s a giant, he lives in a parallel world of our reality with his own specialties, customs and language
Sophie thinks hes gonna eat her because he’s a giant and she’s really scared but he tells her that she’s wrong and he doesn’t eat human beans / beings
she understands that he’s nice but she’s still scared and she wants to go home even if she doesnt like the orphanage where she lives. The big friendly giant doesnt accept because he thinks she would tell to everyone that she met a giant and that she went to the giant country and he’s scared of being locked in a cage by humans
at the beginning they’re always arguing because they are so different they can’t bear each other : sophie is a human and it seems like the BFG despises them because for example he calls them human beans and here the human is compared to food for him even if he doesn’t eat them
the BFGis a giant and sophie is at first scared of is physical intimidating appearence and irritated by his language but then she will see that he’s not cruel like the other giants
rapidly their oppositions will complete each other and they will share a bond, they will be friends and together they will fight against bad giants and that’s why we can say that they’re an odd couple, despite their big differences they manage to be friends and to complete each other