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Example of human infectious disease

Étude de cas : Example of human infectious disease. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  28 Mai 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  592 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 063 Vues

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EXAMPLE OF HUMAN INFECTIOUS DISEASE                                                                                                                                  Terrier Louis    3éme1


(Or Ascaris)

[pic 1]                       [pic 2]

Lumbricoides Ascaris ( the grown-up females measure between 20 in 35 cm in length and the male adults from 15 to 30 cm )

MAIN SYMPTOMS:  Most of the time, there are no symptoms but if there are symptoms, they can include: bloody expectorations, couch, a skin rash, pains in the stomach, breathlessness, fever, difficulty breathing…

CAUSE: The pathogen agent is a Worm.                          Worms:     [pic 3]

TRANSMISSION: The infection is mainly passed on during the ingestion of present mature eggs in the earth contaminated by human or porcine feces, in the water consumption, of food or products of the agriculture contaminated or a contact with vehicles, fingers or other sources contaminated. In the dry and windy climates, eggs can find in the air and be inhaled or swallowed. However the fresh feces do not contain infectious eggs; it is necessary until two weeks of maturation before eggs can infect the human being.

FACTS and FIGURES: Lombricoïdes Ascaris is present all around the world; they are frequently observed in the tropical and subtropical regions, and it is true as much in the developed countries as in the underdeveloped countries. Their presence is particularly associated with the overpopulation and with the bad measures of hygiene; the children are the most affected. There is approximately 1, 2 billion people infected in the world.

DIAGNOSIS + TREATMENTS AND DRUGS : The treatment includes medicines which paralyze or kill the intestinal verses live as a parasite, such as the albendazole or the mébendazole. This medicine should not be used for the pregnant patients. The pyrantel pamoate is the medicine the most used by the pregnant patients. If there is a blocking of the bowel caused by a large number of verses we use some endoscopy to remove verses or rarely, surgery.

PREVENTION By prevention, we can improve the purification and its hygiene in developing countries to allow reducing the risk in these domains. In the regions where this disease is frequent, to follow a treatment with medicine vermifuges can be recommended.

Mediagraphy:  http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/ascariasis/fr/




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