The Court Prosecutor concludes that Meursault does not know the essential rules of this society and warns that society is threatened by such men. He advises against tolerance of moral evil of this kind: (Page 114)… surtout lorsque le vide du coeur tel q
Commentaires Composés : The Court Prosecutor concludes that Meursault does not know the essential rules of this society and warns that society is threatened by such men. He advises against tolerance of moral evil of this kind: (Page 114)… surtout lorsque le vide du coeur tel q. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoirese inconsolable.
His refusal to be judgemental gives him an air of detachment from people and events around him. His good-hearted friend, Céleste, was disturbed by Salamano’s cruel treatment of his own dog. Meursault merely reports the habits of Salamano without giving his judgement Page 44 – Il y a huit ans que cela dure. Celeste dit toujours que c'est malheureux, mais au fond. personne ne peut savoir. Meursault has the same attitude of detachment at his trial. It is as if he is watching a play, appreciating the dramatic skills of the speakers and noting the behaviour of the journalists. On this occasion, however, it is something more than those around being aware of Meursault’s detachment. Meursault himself finds it difficult to relate to the judicial charade around him and has the feeling that lawyers are dealing with his business in his absence. Page 97 Je me suis expliqué aussi la bizarre impression que j’avais d’être de trop, un peu comme un intrus.