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Analyse of the "New Sultan" by IKEA

Étude de cas : Analyse of the "New Sultan" by IKEA. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  25 Avril 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  364 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 213 Vues

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The « New Sultan » by IKEA

  1. Presentation :

This picture is an ad for Ikea, a brand of furniture. The product is a new comfortable mattress. And it is composed of few words and two photos.

  1. Description :

On this ad there is 4 words written at the top "Sleep well. Become beautiful" on capital letters, the message that is intended for consumers. Then, below these words, on the middle of the ad there are 2 different photos of the same women. One where she looks tired and another where she looks beautiful. After, at the bottom it's written "New Sultan mattress collection", the name of the product of the brand with his price "From 195 to 4.295". To finish, there is the logo of the brand.

  1. Analyze :

This ad it's simple to analyze for the consumer. With the message of few words "Sleep Well. Become Beautiful" written in capital letter, attracts the eye of the reader. It makes us understand that thanks to the New mattress called "Sultan" we are sure to have an excellent night and not wake up with dark circles under the eyes the next morning. Moreover, the photos before and after of the woman, who seems to be testing the mattress, shows us by a great contrast the looks of the woman after having a good night with the New Sultan: she is beautiful. Finally, the brand Ikea, is not afraid to wrote their price, it is written in bold capital letters. “Between £ 195 and £ 4,295”, this price is affordable for consumers with a small budget, such as consumers with unlimited budget.

With its effect on the physical and its price, this ad shows why The New Sultan of Ikea makes a difference and is better than other mattresses of other brands.

  1. Opinion :

I think this ad is really good because the photos before and after of the women are funny, and attract the eyes of the consumer. Moreover, the message at the top is simple, clear and adapted to the women’s photos. But I think that it’s not perfect because the name of the brand with its logo is too small in opposite of the pictures.

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