Consultant behavior
Guide pratique : Consultant behavior. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Dafdaf81 • 21 Mars 2023 • Guide pratique • 1 341 Mots (6 Pages) • 264 Vues
What did I learn ?
To answer the question "What did I learn", I will focus on 4 themes that I found particularly
interesting in this course, then I will give you my opinion on the professional interventions of professionals that we could benefit from during the course, and finally I will conclude with my overall vision of the Consultant Behavior course.
I - The importance of the network
I was fascinated by this first course. Indeed, at school we are told about network
since we entered the school, and the techniques to network (we are mainly taught to use LinkedIn). to use LinkedIn). But no one ever explained to us what a network is, how networks work, what how networks work, what strategy to adopt when dealing with networks. So students network in a disorganized way, make mistakes, and are often discouraged or even end up not networking at all.
I also find this topic particularly important for people who have not always been involved in networking who have not always been in the network business, and who therefore take even longer than others to grasp the subtlety of networking, and its importance. Offering this course is a kind of for students who do not have these notions.
In my opinion, it would be important to to enrich the "Fast track your carrer" course that all the pre-master students take with what has been what has been said in this course. For me, what I retain from this course on networking is - the importance of networking: internally & externally to find clients - the network works on the principle of generosity - you have to give without expecting anything in return - and reciprocity - the relationship has to be reciprocal at some point, otherwise the network this network does not work- networks are fragile. This is one of the reasons why you have to diversify your network so that if you alienate a network, you can still rely on other networks.
In this sense, you also have to separate your networks.You have to find the right balance between the quantity and quality of your network: even if you have to diversify your network, you must always prioritize its quality: it is better to have ten people in your network but with a real qualitative relationship, rather than one thousand people that you know from afar and that you cannot call when you can't call when you have a problem-.One must be wary of artificial networks, and on the contrary one must keep in mind that part of the network is network is not visible- a single contact can change a life- the contact with a person is built, and networking is a real work that takes time. This is also why you have to prioritize your networks according to your current needs and according to the networks you believe in the most. Following the course, I decided to write my network as you suggested. I added a color code, the darkest green indicates a strong link with this person (Core contact Network), then the less the green is dark the more we go to the Central network, Secondary network category. This allowed me to visualize which people are in my network and on which people I need to focus my efforts to keep them in my network. It was very useful! One sentence from the course also stuck with me and I wish it had been expanded upon: "Those who Networking is not necessarily about extroversion - it's about natural curiosity. I want to I want to believe it, but for me, who is rather introverted, or at least reserved, this sentence is counterintuitive. counterintuitive. I think it would be interesting to go deeper into the subject, perhaps in the form of advice for introverts?
II- Competitive intelligence techniques
This course on competitive intelligence made me discover a domain I didn't know at all. I had never asked myself the question "how to gather information, other than by I had never asked myself the question "how to gather information, other than through the internet? There is so much information available online online that it seems to me that our generation is not used to go further than online information. information online.
III- Conflict management
We received valuable advice on conflict management which, as we understood, is inherent to the job of are inherent to the consultant's job. The consultant must always manage ambiguity. permanently. It is an aspect of which I was not aware of and which particularly marked me during this course. during this course.
I learned that conflict could take many different forms: conflict because you are made to work late at night late at night, a client who doesn't validate the deliverables, the client's dissatisfaction because of dissatisfied with the result, power issues, different frames of reference e.g. between a person coming from e.g. between a person coming from a business school vs. an engineering school...
This course also echoed situations that I experienced in my work-study company. Indeed, I witnessed conflict situations where the client (my company) was