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Implanter la marque Feiyue en France

Analyse sectorielle : Implanter la marque Feiyue en France. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  24 Octobre 2022  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  1 248 Mots (5 Pages)  •  368 Vues

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 Feiyue : Come-back 

 Today we're going to talk about Feiyue, giving you good reasons to establish this company on the French market.

 Feiyue is a Chinese brand created in 1920, it has been adopted by martial arts enthusiasts and in particular the less shaolin  who appreciate its lightness and flexibility. This brand quickly became a mythical emblem of this country, being even worn by  politicians and celebrities.

 The brand moved to Europe in 2005, and then to France in 2006. After 6 years of success, the brand was forced to close its  Parisian shop and no one has heard from it since.

 Now we are going to talk about the footwear market in France, talking about the axes of the competitors, the environment as  well as giving some important figures.

 First of all, the French are the biggest consumers of shoes in the world

 According to the Féderation francaise de la chaussure, there are several categories of shoes:

 City and leisure shoes / Sports shoes / Indoor shoes / Work and safety shoes.

 Today, the French would be (almost) ready to do anything to have the shoes of their dreams: "more than 60% spend  their dreams: "more than 60% would go to any shop in the region". But the arrival of e-commerce has changed the buying  behaviour of consumers who are now directing their purchasing strategy towards the internet channel thanks to the arrival of  new pure players, the online offer of the big e-tailers (e.g. Sarenza, Spartoo and Zalando).

 According to the Kantar barometer, footwear is the most dynamic segment of the  fashion offer. From December 2020 to the end of February 2021, the French market for footwear for the over 15s recorded an  8.1% increase, reaching 2.26 billion euros. The market exceeded a value of 9.1 billion euros in 2021. This is the evolution of the  consumer price index for footwear in France from March 2020 to February 2022. Thus, the CPI fluctuated during this period. In  particular, it had fallen to 89.80 in August 2020, and then reached almost 105 in November 2021.

 To the great benefit of this market, we note that all categories of footwear are on the rise: +4% for city, +17% for sports and  +30% for indoor.

 How the market is organised:

  • Independents not attached to a chain network: they capture

 12% of the footwear market. Their number is decreasing due to the competitive pressures  Their number is decreasing due to the competitive pressures exerted by the chain networks.  ● Chain networks: more than half of the shoe shops belong to a network and they represent almost  belong to a network and they represent nearly 30% of the footwear market in value.  footwear market in value. The chain stores are predominant.

  • With a market share of almost 30%, sports shops are the leading distribution channel for footwear.
  • With a market share of almost 30%, sports shops are the leading non-specialist footwear distribution channel.
  • E-commerce has captured a growing share of the market in recent years (16% to date).

 years (16% to date). Free delivery and return services,  combined with a deep offer, make this channel increasingly attractive.

  • Clothing retailers are increasingly diversifying by offering a range of leather goods.
  • Clothing retailers are increasingly diversifying by offering a range of leather goods and footwear products.
  • Large food retailers are positioning themselves on the low-end segment but its weight in value remains marginal.
  • Food superstores are positioning themselves in the low-end segment, but its weight in value terms remains marginal in the  sector.

 In today's world, the footwear market reaches a very wide audience, all generations can easily find a shoe that suits them.

 generation can easily find a shoe that suits them. Whether it is in terms of  aesthetics, support or need.

 It is also important to consider the environment. From  more and more consumers are looking for shoes that are made from organic, eco-friendly materials.

 materials, which are ecologically responsible. Some people will even look for shoes that are made from recycled waste such as  plastic bottles. And the fashion industry understands that if companies want to meet the needs of consumers, they have an  obligation to make shoes that are environmentally friendly.

 But today, the French are returning to Made in France and are looking for quality at the expense of quantity. French shoe  production is ready to rise from the ashes. In most commercial sectors, consumers are consuming less, but better. With this  development, French-made shoes seem to fit perfectly into the daily lives of customers. Customers are particularly sensitive to  French craftsmanship and technology.


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