Knowledge Management
Fiche : Knowledge Management. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Sanji Cook • 4 Mai 2017 • Fiche • 431 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 241 Vues
1) Theoretical Background of Knowledge Management:
Major forms of knowledge:
We took some exemples to show these form of K:
1) Polanyi distinguished :
• Explicit (open to codification= books,documents)
• Tacit (complex: process of understanding + Cognitive + technical elements)
2) Individual and collective K: we can all guess what these two forms of K contains but what most people confuse is between Individual Knowledge and Individual Mental Models:
Individual Mental Models: internal symbolic representations of the world or aspects of the world: an individual modal concerning a topic includes individual definitions, procedure…
In short, it’s our own way of describe things which employs our tacit & implicit knowledge
A) Categories of Knowledge in Hotels
1. Task specific Knowledge
Specific procedures, sequences, actions, and strategies. ( to do task )
Allows employees to act in coordinated way
Can be codified but need to be internalized by training (Ex : Opera -- need of routine )
2. Task related Knowledge
Contains individual shared K not of a single task but of related task
Contributes to ability to internalize similar working values (pour élargir l'étendue du K)
Contributes to shared values of teamwork/ compromises the ability to reach a distinct level of quality in different service operations.
Quality dimensions : empathy, reliability and assurance : eg tasks related K
Shared attitude and values, norms and beliefs. ( Eg: Voiture, Usine textile )
-Hyatt, Ritz Carlton
3. Transactive Memory :
“Transactive memory is a psychological hypothesis first proposed by Daniel Wegner in 1985 as a response to earlier theories of "group mind" such as groupthink.[1] A transactive memory system is a mechanism through which groups collectively encode, store, and retrieve knowledge.”
(Personnal K can be retreived by networks of the personn )
Includes decentralized k of the other organizational membrers cognitive models