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L'homme et la machine

Rapports de Stage : L'homme et la machine. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires
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na) Yes, because today we get most of the time in touch with new technologies. Several new technologies apperea every days. For exemple, multimedias, means of transport, the fact that we are contactable at any time. We have become dependent of all this new inventions.

b) No, because even if these technologies are useful for the daily life, many people know how to communicate in different ways : go out with friends instead of staying online or using bicycle or walking, instead of driving.

As a matter of fact, we could say our century is a period, in which technologies are essential to live. However, Georges Orwell or Aldous Huxley were not totally right, because today it's essential for use to think that our values become again fashionable.


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