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Oral d'anglais

Guide pratique : Oral d'anglais. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  1 Octobre 2019  •  Guide pratique  •  296 Mots (2 Pages)  •  734 Vues

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  1. Introduction

From May 13rd to June 1 2019, I did my placement in a small banking agency called CIC.

  1. Your company

My place of work was situated in a small town called Coutances in the suburbs of Saint-Lô. It was a bank of about 5 employees.

Every day I had to take the car. The journey took about 30 minutes.

  1. The department you worked in

I worked in the reception of the bank, the first week I didn’t have an office because the agency has 6 offices and there were 7 of us working because there was a person who was on maternity leave who came back.

There were offices on the floor and behind the reception, each employees go on at a time in the office behind me to help me.

My supervisor was a client advisor, I got very well with her because she always gave me clear instructions and she was patient.

In the morning, I started at 8h30 and I finished at 18h00. We had 1 hour break during the day.

  1. Your tasks

My tasks were quite varied. In the morning I record cheques on client accounts. Then, in afternoon I have attended appointments with clients.

And every day I took care the reception of customers who came to the agency and answered the phone, to answer their requests.

  1. Your assessment

I think I was lucky because my placement wasn’t a waste of time but this gave me a good idea an area that I have been interested in for 2 years.

  1. Conclusion

In my opinion, my work experience was really useful because I discover banking. I learned how to deal with the new software. And I discover insurance and telephony that I liked very so much.


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