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Snapchat | Historique | Technologie | Marché | Résumé Financier

Analyse sectorielle : Snapchat | Historique | Technologie | Marché | Résumé Financier. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  28 Octobre 2017  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  974 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 014 Vues

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April 2011:                 Spiegel proposes to his class the idea of impermanent

photos for his final project, but nobody believe in it

July 2011:                 Spiegel and Murphy launched Snapchat (called

« Picaboo » at the beginning)

November 2012:         More than 1 billion photos has been sent with Snapchat

            Snapchat can’t deliver so many photos in real time

November 2013:         Users send 400 million messages per day

                  Snapchat rejects a Facebook and a Google issuer bid of 3

                                  and 4 billion dollars

January 2014:                  4,6 million accounts are hacked : usernames and phone

                                  numbers are revealed

May 2014:                           Users send 700 million messages per day

                                      Updated features : video chatting and text messaging

August 2014:                   Snapchat is valued at 10 billion dollars with 100 million

                                  active users

October 2014 :                Snapchat announces that now they will be advertisements

                 on the application


This application, available on Android and IOS enables users to send messages, images and videos very quickly and easily. The main feature is that these photos and videos are impermanent (their lifetime is between 1 and 10 seconds and screenshots are in theory impossible). That’s why this app is different from the others.

User scan also creates a Story : a juxtaposition of images and videos whose the lifetime is 24 hours and user can see it as many times as they want.

A video chat has been created since the 1st of may 2014.

There are also other features like color filters, a pencil thanks to which users can draw what they want on their photos or videos or the possibility to add personal data like time or temperature.


Snapchat is an app for Android and IOS. 96.4% of the market of the Smartphone is hold by Android and IOS. There are for the moment 100 000 000 users (consumers), especially young american from 13 to 25. But Snapchat still tries to challenge its rivals (Whatsapp : 400 000 000 users). Obviously, the start-up is absent in China where the app is forbidden. But the firm does not give up, it tries to touch the China market.


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