Teleworking is the future of work.
Dissertation : Teleworking is the future of work.. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Viccrou • 21 Mars 2016 • Dissertation • 581 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 336 Vues
Teleworking is the future of work.
Teleworking has become an increasingly way of work since 1950 after Norbert Wiener’s researches. Teleworking is the word, which defines an activity outside of premises of the company thanks to technology and communication. Teleworkers can work in their own home or in a telecenter. Although this way of working sometimes demonstrates to be ineffective, it has often shown a major influence not only on workers’ lives, but also on companies’ lives. This essay seeks to establish whether or not teleworking is the future of work.
Nowadays, the goal of the most if companies is to be effective as matter of consequences a lot of them use the new way of working which call ‘the teleworking’. Such as Siemens Belgium whose 80% of workers telework from their homes. It is said that 30 to 45% of workers work from their home and according to a research there are more effective. Nonetheless, companies do not have the same definition of ‘effectiveness’. A good illustration of this can be the story of Marissa Mayer who is the Yahoo’s CEO. She has recently forced all of her teleworkers to come back in the premises of Yahoo, and set up down to business. She has pretended that these workers were not as effective as she expected. Marissa Mayer is said to live for work, she has even made built a nursery next to her office.
Moreover, it is true that workers can quickly lose concentration at home because of a lot of things such as laundry, children watching tv, courses,… Indeed, according to Krznaric, teleworkers need to respect fives golf rules. Firstly definite a workspace, such as a reserved room only for working, secondly they need to do a digital diet which means to let all of electronics instruments outside of this room, after that it is important to do a schedule every day for using time effectively and do not make time wasting, and finally they have to keep a human contact with friends, boss, colleagues.
However, workers are not all the same. A lot of workers prefer working in an office because their see other people, they can speak each other. Opposite to that, most of workers are happy to be allowed to work from home. Obviously, that depends also the character of the worker. A case in point is the testimony of Isabelle Bouet who was promoted thanks to this kind of working. In other word teleworking can be a good thing for most workers because they can combine private and professional life, they have a higher quality of life, they are less in the traffic jam which is also a good thing for the environment, on an other hand they can lose sociability and inventiveness if they do not see their colleagues and bosses.
Furthermore, teleworking can also be benefits for companies. In allowing people to work from home, they do not have to buy furniture for the premises, such as desk. Bosses give more autonomy; workers take more initiatives, and are more effective. It has been proved that a company can make an economy of 11.000$ per year and per worker even if they have to pay the mobile phone and an Internet connection.
To sum up, although teleworking can be sometimes ineffective such as in the story of the Yahoo’s CEO, if workers have limits and respect the gold rules, this way of working would be the future of work and be profitable not for workers but also for companies.