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The Benefits of hiring young workers

Commentaire de texte : The Benefits of hiring young workers. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Janvier 2016  •  Commentaire de texte  •  437 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 253 Vues

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The Benefits of hiring young workers

The companies employ inexperienced people because its individuals can help bring enthusiasm and energy within a company more young employees have a fresh look at everything that is happening around them in the company and notice that the measures develops.

The view of a young can help bring novelty and be of high quality

Having a fresh perspective can help the company to be inspired to new things, new ideas that may be beneficial, more a young group will be more dynamic and may provide assistance to professionals because they keep explanations simple.

92 words

The risks might companies run if they only have young employees

The fact of having only young people in society could also harm for they are young employees they will not necessarily work experience.

a one time young employees will not know what to do in a situation and be someone to ask for help and could rely on themselves.

A young employee is probably less involved an older person Because they can not -have obligations outside the work type of family (house, children ...) they have less precaution and then take more lightly tasks another person .

85 words

Ceci est la réponse à 2 questions d'un BTS blanc de 2016, elles représentent les bénéfices ou les inconvénient de prendre des jeunes employés dans une société, le pour ou le contre de se qu'il peuvent y apporter ou au contraire ce qu'ils peuvent faire perdre à l'entreprise

The Benefits of hiring young workers

The companies employ inexperienced people because its individuals can help bring enthusiasm and energy within a company more young employees have a fresh look at everything that is happening around them in the company and notice that the measures develops.

The view of a young can help bring novelty and be of high quality

Having a fresh perspective can help the company to be inspired to new things, new ideas that may be beneficial, more a young group will be more dynamic and may provide assistance to professionals because they keep explanations simple.

92 words

The risks might companies run if they only have young employees

The fact of having only young people in society could also harm for they are young employees they will not necessarily work experience.

a one time young employees will not know what to do in a situation and be someone to ask


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