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Will robots change our lifes in the future ?

Dissertation : Will robots change our lifes in the future ?. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Mai 2019  •  Dissertation  •  564 Mots (3 Pages)  •  842 Vues

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Will robots change our lives in the future? It's a funny question to ask when they're changing our lives now in so many ways and they have been for years. From the first time you saw a toaster pop up by itself, we've casually accepted that machines can be trusted to do things for us.

They already have a place that is so important in our lives. They record our shows, cook our food, play our music, and even run our cars. But we just don’t see it.

Seen that robots have already changed our lives from so long, predictions of how we will work in the decades to come and how artificial intelligence (AI) will transform our daily lives have been notoriously imprecise ever since AI research began in the 1950s.

But as developments have gathered pace and slowly been applied in the workplace, the huge impact that AI is sure to have has become clearer.

Still, the main question we can ask ourselves is : How the development of robotization will change the work industry ?

It is clear that this is a legitimate question to ask ourselves because of the more and more important place that robots are taking in the working industry.

We can imagine 2 different extreme cases, that respectively are guiding to dystopia and utopia.

in a more optimistic way, think about all the goods that this robotization can bring if it changes forever the way we operate at work.

In Edward Bellamy’s classic Looking Backward, the protagonist Julian West wakes up from a 113-year slumber and finds the United States in 2000 has changed dramatically from 1887. People stop working at age forty-five and devote their lives to mentoring other people and engaging in volunteer work that benefits the overall community. There are short work weeks for employees, and everyone receives full benefits, food, and housing.

The reason is that new technologies of the period have enabled people to be very productive while working part-time. Businesses do not need large numbers of employees, so individuals can devote most of their waking hours to hobbies, volunteering, and community service. In conjunction with periodic work stints, they have time to pursue new skills and personal identities that are independent of their jobs.

In the current era, developed countries may be on the verge of a similar transition. Robotics and machine learning have improved productivity and enhanced the economies of many nations. Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced into finance, transportation, defense, and energy management. The internet of things (IoT) is facilitated by high-speed networks and remote sensors to connect people and businesses. In all of this, there is a possibility of a new era that could improve the lives of many people.

But here’s the truth : Robots are already starting to take jobs from hourly human workers, and it’s going to continue. Research from McKinsey found that 45% of current jobs can be automated. We need to stop avoiding the situation and create real solutions to help displaced workers. You can’t simply put a stop on technology innovation. Bans often create worse situations than allowing people to innovate but closely watching how we innovate, and the impact to society. Many famous leaders have joined Elon Musk to start something called Open AI, a non-profit artificial intelligence (AI) research company that aims to promote and develop friendly AI in such a way as to benefit humanity as a whole.


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