Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States
Étude de cas : Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Serena Al-bchiraoui • 10 Mars 2016 • Étude de cas • 452 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 771 Vues
A- Recount an experience you had as a tourist in the United States
During the summer 2011, we decided, my husband and I, with our three kids, to go for vacation to Walt Disney World in Florida, it was our first time travelling to the United States.
We rented a camper on the way to Disney, it wasn’t so easy, because it’s such a long trip, it was more than twenty four hours driving, but we finally made it.
Once there, my husband took the wrong parking entry and, for our bad luck, we were stopped by the police. We explained to him that we just arrived from Canada and since it’s night time, signs are not so clear, so he was so nice and we didn’t receive any ticket.
The first day, we started our vacation by going on rides, and having fun. We went on Splash Mountain and for my big surprise, we went through tunnels that had plastic characters and they were singing, It was so nice and unbelievable, but, at the beginning I was so afraid especially when we went up slowly, I was expecting a fast down slope.
My girls and I were so excited when we saw the different Disney characters, we took pictures with all of them. My favorite picture was with Cinderella.
After spending three days in the park, we decided to go for three more days down to Miami Beach.
The minute we checked in the hotel, I went outside to the balcony and I was hearing the waves and staring the clean water, oh my god, what an amazing feeling and above all it was so hot and humid, made me never regret being there, as in Montreal it was raining and almost cold.
One night, we saw the fireworks show and we went to the beach party.
The people were so friendly in Miami, I guess because it’s a touristic area.
The most beautiful part of my vacation, like any girl I guess was the shopping. It was fabulous, they had good prices and they had lots of stuff that we don’t have in Canada and I spent most of my money.
If I will have to choose my vacation, I will definitely do the same trip again, but it’s a kind of trip that you can’t afford every single year. The only thing that I wouldn’t repeat is driving down to Florida. We will be taking the plane, and we will rent a car. The reason why is because it’s so hard to find a parking for the camper.
In the end I hope to be able to make this trip again, so I would have more to tell you about Florida.
Thank you for the time you allowed to read my text.