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Les dangers de la géolocalisation dans les smartphones.

Fiche : Les dangers de la géolocalisation dans les smartphones.. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  4 Avril 2020  •  Fiche  •  730 Mots (3 Pages)  •  626 Vues

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Have you ever noticed that, no matter where you go, you are always surrounded by pet containers?

These blue and yellow containers are everywhere in the streets.

These were created to recycle plastic bottles and wrappings to help the environment. But none of us have been hearing any good news about the conditions of our planet, and tons of plastic are still being produced each year, as if none of all the plastic that we have been recycling these years was ever reused.

Or, as if all that plastic was being used in something else, something that none of us are aware of.

Have a look at the colors of this container. Does this combination and proportions of yellow look familiar to you.

Ass you can see, the containers has the same colors of the Swedish flag and in the same proportions. Mostly blue and some yellow.

But this has to be a coincidence right?... RIGHT?

This article states that the Swedish country has run out of rubbish. But where has all that rubbish gone?

Greta Thumberg, the famous 17 year old ecological activist, has been promoting recycling among other things to save the planet.

As we can see in this Wikipedia page of the countries that recycle the most, Sweden does not reuse or incinerate the residues that they collect.

This brings us to the conclusion that Sweden is collecting the plastic from all over the world thanks to their pet containers and storing it somewhere.

But why? In 2011 this curious structure was found in the deepest areas of the Baltic Sea, near Sweden. Some say that this is due to natural formation, but these shapes are way to defined to be the result of mother nature’s work. This is obviously an alien ship.

Something even more disturbing is the fact that Swedish important figures all have very particular looks and behaviors. But after a little research, we can observe how all our leaders have an appearance that is not human.

You guessed it, the aliens that came out from that ship are imitating the human behavior and slowly attained the power all over the world. But what really is their plan? What has the plastic to do with all this?

Here is the answer to that question.

As we all learned from our good and extremely reliable movies, the alien race is a very agressive and invading one, they want to dominate our planet, and, the whole galaxy.

But when they arrived on earth, their ship got damaged so they needed to build a new one. The main issue is ,that on earth, the


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