The Space
Étude de cas : The Space. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar lolitaaaaaaaaaa • 17 Novembre 2018 • Étude de cas • 892 Mots (4 Pages) • 633 Vues
As many news currently because we destroy our planet, thus we need to find an other one to make the same thing. No it is a joke, but really, we have the next destination of humanity in universe.
So to start my presentation, I will to introduce some basic notions of the astronomy, then I will present you the next destination: Mars, and why. And finally, we will see the various problems encounter to go there.
Somebody can say the spelling of ISS? PHOTOS It is the international space station built in 1998 by the NASA, Russian with the collaboration of Japanese, Canadian and European. DRAPEAU
It is createin aim to live and works in space, the object is achieved because since 2001, it is constantly inhabited. So now, astronauts are inside, and they can see some beautiful pictures like that:
We can wonder why it exists and what we make for it?
Thanks to experiences we’ve learned enormously about astronomy, universe ang long space flight. VIDEOS
Just few information about MARS NASA PHOTOS
The distance between the Earth and Mars is more than 70 Million of kilometers.
And while the length of a Martian day is roughly the same as it is here on Earth (24 hours 37 minutes), the length of a Martian year is significantly longer (687 days). On top that, the gravity on Mars’ surface is much lower than it is here on Earth: its is 0.376g compared to 1g for the Earth), a person who weighs 100 kg on Earth would weigh only 38 kg on Mars.
We’ve already sent space probes there, and only a third fail, that will be promising for the rest.
Why we should go on Mars?
Because it have similarities with Earth. By the past, there was a presence of water (lake) PHOTOS, there is also an atmosphere (finer sure) but no magnetic field thus no liveable without protection on the ground.
So, yes maybe, at this day, there is no life inside but the begginings of the earth was similar. That can be explained a lot of things.
The biggest problem which is the heart of the NASA? ESA, Russian agency is the time of flight. With the propulsion system’s currently we put 6 month to reach at Mars but as planets are in constant movements, the return, put 1 year and 3 months. By knowing that the mission over Mars, it, would last 1 month. So very a long spaceflight (2 years). TRAJET
An other problem, is the physical restraint. Effectly, we evolved on Earth, subject to the gravity. The human body isn’t done to survive in a environment without gravity. Loss of the inner ear, we are totally lost during many days, we can have the nausea. But the most important consequence in 0g during a long moment is the loss of muscle mass and bone mass when you return to Earth (1g). But to avoid that, they make minimum 2 hours of sport a day to stay in shape. Moreover an other medical aspect is the aging of inner arterials, in 0g the blood doesn’t spread anymore in legs. In this case 6 month in space is equivalen to 30 years on Earth… But don’t worries when they come back, the inners regenerate itself.