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Deceptive Words

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y, these days, currently, at present warning rush throes of death worried, anxious to bore to wait (for), to expect scales profits guarantee luck nature [ɑneǺtȓǩȼ] to load cheque closed school convenience [kǩnɑviənǺǩns] understanding driver ready-made clothes solid, thick to gaze at reproduction capacity a murder to disappoint time limit to set free Member of Parliament, Congressman to arrange quarrel, argument [ɑǡəgjȚmǩnt] absent-minded committed (artist) state, condition possibly obviousness expert's report first-rate wild, eccentric face mad, lunatic wealthy, well-off nice, kind overall, global tall, big bunch (of grapes) Qui se dit en anglais to take advantage of, to deceive

1) preuves 2) évidence (même sens que 1) évidence

habit hazard [ɑhæzǩd] to ignore [ǺgɑnǤəȼ] inconvenient [ɕǺnkǩnɑviənǺǩnt] indulge [ǺnɑdȜldȢ] invaluable [ǺnɑvælȚǩbl] journey [ɑdȢǬənǺ] lecture [ɑlektȓǩȼ] library [ɑlaǺbrǩrǺ] location [lǩȚɑkeǺȓǩn] lunatic malice mechanic [mǺɑkænǺk] medicine [ɑmedsn, ɑmedǺsn] mercy [ɑmǬəsǺ] miserable [ɑmǺzǩrǩbl] notice partition patron [ɑpeǺtrǩn] penguin [ɑpeŋgwǺn] petrol photograph [ɑfǩȚtǩgræf] phrase [freǺz] positive prejudice [ɑpredȢȚdǺs] to prevent [prǺɑvent] proper to recover [rǺɑkȜvǩȼ] refuse to regard relieve to resume route rude sensible socket store suit [suət] to supply [sǩɑplaǺ] to survey sympathetic [ɕsǺmpǩɑθetǺk] to sympathise [ɑsǺmpǩθaǺz] tentative touchy tour trivial [ɑtrǺvǺǩl] vacancy [ɑveǺkǩnsǺ] vacation [vǩɑkeǺȓǩn] valid versatile [ɑvǬəsǩtaǺl] vest wagon

habitude 1) chance, hasard 2) danger, risque ne tenir aucun compte de inopportun laisser aller inestimable voyage conférence, cours bibliothèque situation (géographique), emplacement fou méchanceté mécanicien médicament miséricorde 1) très malheureux 2) misérable avis, préavis séparation client (d’un restaurant) manchot essence photographie expression catégorique 1) préjugé 2) préjudice empêcher adéquat se rétablir déchets considérer soulager reprendre (une activité) itinéraire grossier sensé, raisonnable douille grand magasin 1) costume 2) poursuite, procès 1) fournir 2) suppléer à, subvenir à examiner compatissant, bien disposé compatir timide, hésitant susceptible voyage, circuit Insignifiant, banal 1) chamber à louer 2) poste vacant vacances valable aux talents variés maillot de corps (GB) gilet (US) chariot

habit hasard ignorer inconvenant indulgence non valable journée lecture librairie location lunatique malice mécanique médecin merci misérable notice partition patron pingouin pétrole photographe phrase positif préjudice prévenir propre recouvrir refus regarder relever résumer route rude sensible socquette store suite supplier surveiller sympathique sympathiser tentative touché tour trivial vacances vacation valide versatile veste wagon

dress, clothes chance not to know improper leniency [ɑliənǺǩnsǺ] invalid, not valid day reading bookshop (GB) bookstore (US) renting, hiring whimsical mischievousness [ɑmǺstȓǺvǩsnǺs] engineering [ɕendȢǺɑnǺǩrǺŋ] doctor thanks destitute [ɑdestǺtjuət] note, instructions (musical) score boss auk [Ǥək] (crude) oil, petroleum [pǺɑtrǩȚlǺǩm] photographer [fǩɑtǢgræfǩȼ] sentence definite, positive harm, wrong to warn clean, decent to cover refusal [rǺɑfjuəzǩl] to look at to raise to sum up road rough [rȜf], hard sensitive sock blind [blaǺnd], shade sequel [ɑsiəkwǩl], rest to implore to supervise [ɑsuəpǩvaǺz]


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