La gestion des déchets à Yaoundé Ivème ( Cameroun )
Recherche de Documents : La gestion des déchets à Yaoundé Ivème ( Cameroun ). Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoiresde remédier à la situation précédente, nous avons pensé qu’il serait souhaitable que l’Etat puisse débourser des fonds d’aides afin de soutenir les différents organismes chargés de la gestion. Il serait aussi impératif pour l’Etat de créer de nouvelles stations de mise en décharge en vue de compenser celle de Nkolfoulou qui est presque pleine de même que des stations d’épuration des eaux usées. Enfin, il serait indispensable que des conseils sanitaires et d’éducation environnementale soient dispatchés par divers acteurs de la société aux populations locales.
Mots-clés : Déchets, disposition, impact environnemental, gestion, perspectives.
The work that constituted the core of our study was that of the management of waste products (solid, liquid, gas) in the Yaoundé IV municipality. Understood as the complete process induced in the removal of wastes on the earth’s surface, the process of waste management in our zone of study faces so many problems arousing from the inadequacy in transport or motor able roads to the uncivil behavior of the inhabitants passing through the absence of finance at the disposal of different organisms involved in the treatment of waste. Data necessary for the concrete realizations of this study was generated through primary and secondary sources. The primary sources here involved the use of questionnaires, direct field observations, and the taking of photographs while secondary sources of data were generated from literature reviews in documentation centers all related to our work. Based on the above methodology we therefore came out with the following results: different types of waste and their areas of disposal have a considerable impact on the community of Yaoundé IV, the poor nature of waste management is linked to several interrelated factors. At the end of our research, we brought out as suggestions so as to crush down the above situations and ensure a good waste management in this zone that; since most associations especially those acting at the local level are not financed; the local government should aid them both through financial and material support. Secondly, the trashcans should be adapted both to the area as well as those involved in the daily discharge of wastes in various households that is the children. It is equally imperative for the state to create new discharge centers so as to compensate that of Nkolfoulou. Last but not the least is the sanitary advice and environmental education which
all actors involved in the management of waste have to provide for the local population so as to let them see the impact of poor waste disposal.
Key Words: waste, disposal, environmental impact, management, recommendations.