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Pestel P&G

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eur du logement ainsi que des conditions de crédit serrées consommateurs continueront de tenir les consommateurs de dépenser plus revenir jusqu'à ce qu'ils l'expérience d'un assouplissement des conditions qui les touchent directement.

Bernanke a déclaré que l'activité économique à l'étranger est également à prendre en considération ; en effet c’est un élément important dans la façon dont bientôt l’économie américaine va rebondir. Il déclare «la forte baisse des exportations américaines qui a débuté l'automne dernier a été un frein significatif sur la production nationale, et toute amélioration sur ce front serait utile".

Politique legal:

The developing slump has put pressure on central bankers in japan, the uk and the euro region to follow the lead of federal reserve chairman ben s Bernanke, who in the 1er quarter of 2009 accelerate interest-rate cuts in the us with an emergency move to lower the benchmark rate by three-quarter of a percentage point.

The effect of the us recession which according to the IMF represents about 21 percent of the global economy, is spreading via multiple channels. There is less spending by Americain consumers and companies are reducing demande for imported goods. The meltdown of the US subprime mortgage market has pushed up credit costs worldwide and forced European and asian banks to write down billions of dollars in holdings. Tumbling US stock prices are also dragging down markets elsewhere. Miller 2009

Les Etats-Unis connaissent actuellement une récession, d'autres pays ne sont pas loin derrière. Le Japon, la Grande-Bretagne, l'Espagne et à Singapour, qui représentent ensemble environ 12 pour cent de l'économie mondiale, sont également vulnérables. Les retombées des États-Unis aggravent leur faiblesse économique. Même les marchés émergents dont la Chine, sont susceptibles de souffrir des exportations vers les Etats-Unis diminuant.

Socio culturel

Women form major target group for household, personal products and consumer goods companies, several P&G consumer products, such as skin care and beauty care, are addressed directly to women. Other products, such as food and beverages, home cleaning and detergents are addressed to women as the primary decision makers or decision influences. In addition to the media choice, companies have to decide on the type of programs they sponsor, so as to attract the attention of their ttarget audience.


Organizations are rapididly trying to incorporate the internet into their supply chain practices. Global competitive pressure and heightened shareholders expectations have accelerated the rate of internet adoption. Electronic markets are Web sites where buyers and sellers converge to advertise, bid for products in auctions, post catalog information, procure inventory, and manage inventory and fulfillment.

An electronic market can be aligned vertically, focusing on the procurement of industry-specifie products such as paper, metal, chemicals, agriculture, and energy. Or it can be horizontal, providing products for a diverse range of industries. These markets act as hubs where buyers can procure direct goods, and suppliers can market their products. In many respects, the electronic market is a microcosm of the many to many supply chaine


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