Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco
Commentaire de texte : Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar Enora Frigout • 19 Mai 2016 • Commentaire de texte • 940 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 350 Vues
Discuss the view that Rodolpho is a better role model for how a man ought to behave than Eddie or Marco.
Hello, This is my essay. Thank you for reading !
A role model - for me - is an individual who is admired by the others for his character, his acts, his physical appearance, in our case, his behaviour and reactions. It won't concern Catherine at all, but Marco, Rodolpho and Eddie.
For example, a popular student will be a role model for the others because of his grades, a mother is a role model for her children.
From Miller's play, and from this essay's subject, it seems that Rodolpho is the best model, the Great man and his reactions towards the events which are happening to the three men and their whole family, including Catherine and Beatrice.
So first of all, let us introduce the characters, one per paragraph. Each personnality, each way of thinking and state of mind about the situation to get a little bit more informed about them.
So first, I am going to talk about Eddie, who is for me, the main and the most complex character of the play.
Then Marco, because he is close and far at the same time to Eddie and finally Rodolpho, because he is the one who is aside and the one we can easily compare.
And as my last point, I will write about how and why Rodolpho's reactions and his state of "Model man" is better and proving you he is by comparing him to Marco and Eddie's reactions.
Let us start this essay.
1) Eddie is a protagonist. He is a Violent, provocative, authoritan, hypocryte. The longshoremen hides himself behind a mask, he seems to hide a supposing love towards his niece but does not hesitate to stare at her. It is not saying that Eddie does loves Catherine. It's just giving us some clues that sometimes, it is not a very appropriate relationship like an uncle and a niece would have. The most important clue that gives us a hint is when Beatrice tells Eddie "You can never have her !"
Eddie is also overprotective, especially towards his family. Like when he forbid Catherine to go out dressed like she was (Related to his supposed feelings for her) and when he forbids his wife, Beatrice, to go to Catherine's marriage.
He wants to keep his "honor" but he mistakes "honor" with "pride" which is completely different because he wants to promote his own-good first, not like Marco who is doing everything for his family. That's the difference between them.
2) Marco is quite similar to Eddie. He's violent and authoritarian (To Eddie, "Animal, you go on your knees to me !")because, for example, he fights with Eddie in the play because this longshoremen called the immigration office to send them away United-States so give up the American Dream. Both came from Italia, both are somehow leaders, they fights for a reason. Marco is fighting for his own family, so he can send them back to Italia when he will earned enough money, so he works for his family. He works for his honor. In anyway, he tries to pacify the atmosphere so despite everything, he sometimes acts like a pacifist, for example, when Rodolpho and Eddie are starting to argue. But I think that his honor is count more than everything he have, because he kills Eddie, even if it is not one of his doctrines at all, so we can say that the natural law won before everything.
3) To Eddie, Rodoplho is his first and unique rival. Rodolpho is a little bit effeminate, he likes singing, dancing, he cooks and to Eddie, that is bad. He also thinks that Rodolpho is gay, so we think that too because Eddie's point of view is the only one who is shared with us, audience or readers. But Eddie is also maybe thinking that just because he wants to find a good reason to himself that would make him sure that he deserves Catherine much more than Rodolpho does.Or maybe is he jealous because Rodolpho, by cooking, singing, dancing very well, is more talented than him so he have more chances to impressive Cathie ? They both want the same thing, Catherine. He is the perfect opposite to his brother, Marco. Rodolpho is young, but he does have an honor to promote too. He fights for Catherine, he fights for honor and pride at the same time. He fight once, or maybe just defy Eddie
Otherwise, he is young. So he does not really know what he is doing. At least, less more than Eddie who is older.
To me, Rodolpho is in anyway much more mature than Eddie because he stays polite, even when Eddie is not.
He tries to calm down Eddie when they have a fight and tries to apology to Eddie.
Conclusion :
So yes, I think Rodoplho is a better role model because first of all, some characters are admiring him : Catherine, she is even in love with him, Eddie, even if he does not admit it because he is certainly jealous of Rodolpho's bundle of talents.
And then, because he is the one who is the most calm, peaceful and kind to the others. He is not the most loved character but he is the most nice.
Without forgetting that he is very young, so the normal situation would be that he would be the most naïve and sensitive and irritable and bad-tempered character, well, he is not. Compared to Marco and Eddie, he is the smartest man, even if he is not even a man but a boy.
So yes, Rodolpho is definitely a better role model.
The end.