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Exposé anglais nouvelle forme de business

Dissertation : Exposé anglais nouvelle forme de business. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  29 Avril 2020  •  Dissertation  •  521 Mots (3 Pages)  •  716 Vues

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The Future of Business (L3 Europe, Amérique du Nord, Chine)

Nsenne2009@gmail.com                nathalie.senne@u-pec.fr


Oral Presentation :  20 pts

Oral participation during presentations :  10 pts

Written grades :  10 points each

  1. Education : our educational system remains largely the same despite fast changes in society.  
    How should our educational systems adapt to better prepare young people for the future?
  2. New forms of business:  collaborative consumption, ie, Airbnb, Uber, etc.  
    How value is coming from new sources – your reputation, trust, etc.
  3. E-commerce:  international aspects of production & manufacturing,
    fast-moving sales, getting recognition despite the sea of competition and
    major brands
  4. Big business & growing inequalities:  transforming rules – does our era provide
    equal opportunities or are we increasingly dominated by the strongest/richest?
  5. Business ethics; social business:  making business for a higher purpose- businesses
    whose objectives are beyond just making money – providing solutions, services,
    defending certain ethical beliefs, etc. in order to make their vision of society grow
  6. Innovation:  choose an innovation or innovative business to present and analyze
    and how it could lead to change in society, the way people do business, etc.
  7. Entrepreneurship:  there’s a trend to encourage young people to develop
    entrepreneurial skills, be mobile throughout their careers, take risks, be creative.
    What should our focus be in an increasingly technologically-minded world?  How
    can people best realize their personal goals?
  8. Leadership:  how to be the best leader in an organization today?  What examples
    of strong business leaders can you cite?  What qualities make them people to
    follow?  Who will most positively take us forward in our current context (economic,
    environmental, social, etc.)?
  9. Making a career plan:  what is the best advice for young people today if they want
    to be successful in their careers?  What are the goals of this generation?  How
    can you define this generation compared to their elders?

Oral Presentation

Work in a group of 4-5 people.  Each person has to find an article, no older than 1 year, about the subject.

If you have doubts, email the article to me:  nsenne2009@gmail.com

Use the main ideas of the article to create a presentation & commentary on the subject
in general.  Do cite the article (Title, date, source, author), but don’t focus only on the
article since we won’t be reading it.


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