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Dialogue en anglais

Analyse sectorielle : Dialogue en anglais. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  6 Avril 2018  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  388 Mots (2 Pages)  •  921 Vues

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Good morning, what did you want here, my good friend?

- Death, Doctor, Death!

- Excuse me, I must have heard badly ...

- Death, I caught from birth, impossible to get rid of it.

- Sorry ?

- Yes, the more time passes, the harder it is, believe me. It becomes unbearable, my skin wrinkles, my hair becomes white, I see less well than before ... I run less quickly

- How old are you ? - 35 years old sir,

I answered in one gulp.

- Have you ever dreamed or nightmare before, that you were ... dying?

- Yes, many times, drowning me I ran out ni of air, shot at me several times, car accidents too, so on The doc reflects a moment.

Opened an old book that lay on his dusty desk. And then exclaimed:

- Ah I know this pathology well, it's because of an old disease.

- What old disease?

- It was called, the "nothingness", the "nothing"

- It was serious?

- Yes anyone escaped, she gave no taste to everything, everything was invisible, tasteless

- My god what a misfortune .. and what relation to my illness?

- We wanted to cure this pathology with a vaccine.


- This vaccine was called "Life", it was injected to everyone.

- Perfect, so it worked!

- Not totally because side effects that were not expected were shown

- Which ?

- Ben death for example, what you suffer


- Oh I understand.

- And it's incurable, you'll have to live with, if I may say that. Irried doc.

- How am I going to have to live with death, with the certainty that one day I will not be alive anymore ...? are you kidding?

- No, it's like that my poor sir, we can not do anything - No research, no progress for ...

- No nothing, I'm sorry sir.

- So


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