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Anglais, dialogue

Discours : Anglais, dialogue. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  5 Avril 2019  •  Discours  •  371 Mots (2 Pages)  •  871 Vues

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A (tu arrives auprès d’Esteban): Hello Esteban !

E :Hello Axel ! The coffee is really not good!The coffee was been not good

A :Is not bad

E : Did you heard the manager want to remove some workers by robots

A : Yes and I find it disgusting

E :Everything’s going to be fine. Maybe it could be great because the turnover will be increased by the company.

E :I hope I will get a promotion

M : Hello guys ! How are you doing?

E : Great and you ?

(en même temps avec Axel)

A : Bad

M : Why you’re not fine ?

A :I’m scared and I'm not very good because you are going to replace us by robots. Our work will be deleted by you  (regarder mathis)

M :Nothing is just black or white but Im don’t agree with you because new posts will be able to be created like those concerning the maintenance of our future robots.

E (s’adressant à axel) :Don’t worry Axel, of course this has drawbacks but let's see the good side of things. If the company is no longer competitive, it will have to fire anyway.

A (s’adressant à mathis sur un ton un peu énerver ) : I agree but how do you explain the potential loss of working hours and a part of our salaries, I think it's disgusting because we was not informed before the decision.

M :Calm down axel, the decision was taken by myself and then we will have the opportunity to train you to the maintenance of the robots.

E :Don’t worry. Mathis is right look at the robot Sophia from Kimmel's show, he's pretty cool and the China’s robot workplace who work in factory they do very delicate tasks that a human can’t do.

A (énerver quand même beaucoup) : Don’t push the button !How do you explain it is the low-wage workers who take everything in their mouths? Your reputation is deserved!

M :Don’t be so pessimistic! The company has created pillar employees. In other words, it’s you!

A :Are you kidding me ! It is bullshit!

E : Don’t worry, everything will be alright we keep you informed of the progress of the project.

M : Yes, very quickly

A :Ok, but i’m waiting you at the turn

Esteban ¼

Mathis 2/4

Axel 2/4


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