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Lv1 Devoir 1 Cned Bts Notariat 1Ère Année

Rapports de Stage : Lv1 Devoir 1 Cned Bts Notariat 1Ère Année. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires
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c un bon débit, vous pouvez arriver à vos photos et documents et films amateurs où que vous soyez, en utilisant n’importe quel appareil comme votre téléphone portable, ordinateur portable, un kiosque internet à l’aéroport.

« Les gens ne vont pas mettre leurs informations dans certains appareils mais plutôt dans certains services qui vivent dans le ciel » dit Paul Maritz, PDG de VMware, dont le logiciel « virtualization » fournit un morceau de l’énigme du nuage. (Parmi d’autres choses, le logiciel de VMware permet l’association de techniciens et de centaines de serveurs pour une association géante de pouvoirs informatiques donc les applications fonctionnent plus efficacement).

Le déplacement du nuage ne signifie plus d’essayer de se souvenir si vous avez laissé votre tableau de rapport de dépenses sur le PC au travail ou sur le Macbook à la maison. Ce n’est pas non plus en sauvegardant tout sur une clé USB et en transférant d’un appareil à un autre.

Ce n’est pas non plus copier vos trucs de votre vieux PC quand vous en achetez un autre.

Cela signifie aussi que vous créez un dépositaire d’informations qui reste avec vous et qui continue à grandir tant que vous êtes vivant.

Exam 3:

Both documents inform us about the evolution of the procedures of authentification of notarial acts, about the dematerialization of documents. Indeed, thanks to internet notarial acts are going to be able to be stored in secure servers .Le first document concerns the signature of the first authentic act on electronic support in France.il was signed October 28th, 2008 by Lord Chancellor and Rachida Dati Minister of justice and the Secretary of State Eric Besson. The electronic act allows a facilitated consultation and an arrangement accelerated as well for the solicitor as for the customer.

The second document concerns the same theme but exposes the difficulties of such a change by explaining that previously we used the typewriter while today we leave place with the dematerialization of acts. Therefore, the secretaries of the solicitors must be more and more competent and successful be state-of-the-art and especially because the procedure becomes computerized and they must know how to use a specific notarial software. Finally, in Swistzerland and in the United States is developed a register for the notarial acts which is at once less expensive and very secure.

Exam 4:

I think new technologies are very important nowadays. Indeed, the world has changed a lot since the last century, which induce us to a "need" of new technology, especially internet and computers.

We live in a society where people have the desire to obtain whatever they want, no matter where they are. Thanks to new technologies, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world and be competitive at an international economical level.

Nevertheless, new technologies engender problems like hacking or "bugs", but the most important problem lives in the fact that people want the best, very fast. Today we can ask ourselves how mobile phones will be in the future and at what age it will become almost an obligation to have one. We should think of mixing ecology and technology.

So we have to use the new technologies so we can stay competitive


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