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Discours : Utopy. Rechercher de 54 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et Mémoires

Par   •  19 Mai 2019  •  Discours  •  810 Mots (4 Pages)  •  612 Vues

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I wake up on the sandy beach, on what seems to be an island, lost in the middle of the ocean. In the middle of the foam, I see the remains of the little sailboat that brought me here.

The island is calm, beautiful, colorful of thousands of different hues. As I move through the jungle, among the ferns and other primitive plants, I distinguish what seems to be a village of dozens of boxes, uniform. I advance towards this lost village, hoping to find something to rebuild my boat.

The huts are made of wood, the roofs of leaves are carefully braided. The village does not seem very rich, but I hear many laughs, festive, which show the happiness of the inhabitants. As I arrive at a circular square, surrounded by palm trees, I see them. All of them are laughing, the youngest are playing with each other in hopscotch, others are running. Adults speak, none are excluded. Blacks, whites, all get along very well.

They fix me, and invite me to join them. I introduce myself briefly, and one of them, who seems to me to be the chief of the hamlet, insists on showing me their buildings, located further down a rocky hill. He explains to me that their buildings are located far away so as not to damage their ecosystem, and protect the fauna and flora of this forest. Surprised by this revelation, which would have no place where I come from, I continue and question him.

Thus, I learn that what presents itself as major problems for me does not exist at home. Money, so coveted in the world, does not exist. No money, no crisis. No crisis, no poverty. Work does not exist either. Tasks are all done together, as if it were volunteering. And as I approach the subject of religion, he stares at me for a long time. Their religion does not put in scene any god, master of the universe and creator. No, their religion, if we can call it that, is simply to respect the forest and what surrounds them.

I can only marvel at all these revelations. Money, work, religion, all these things that cause so many deaths all over the world, all this does not exist here, in order to preserve the harmony that these equal men have with the Earth. All are honest, all are necessary for the smooth running of village life.

Their buildings are simple, without any marks of wealth, lust or even madness. No, they are simply made of stones, with a door, four walls and some windows. Their science is certainly not very developed but it is sufficient. There is no wealth, no poverty. No, these people live soberly, in peace.

This world, egalitarian, splendid, sufficient, is only a dream in the eyes of all the inhabitants of this planet. Only these few individuals live it fully. This is the perfect world, which is so covetous ...

The inhabitants of this island gather every week for a run of 20 dozos (unit of measure of the island). This event is very important for them because it symbolizes freedom. The goal of this activity is not to win but to articulate because according to them the competition is the vice of the man.


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