Case study Renault, Nissan
Étude de cas : Case study Renault, Nissan. Rechercher de 53 000+ Dissertation Gratuites et MémoiresPar parmeet • 19 Mai 2021 • Étude de cas • 1 245 Mots (5 Pages) • 577 Vues
mini cas l'alliance renault, nissan daimler1. The main advantages and disadvantages of the international alliance
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Differences cultural Between the France,
Allemagne and the Japan : risk of Conflicts,
disconnectord and cultural frictions.
-Difference national cultures
- Difference of cultures ofcompany
Developedment of synergies to reduce
production coststion
Conflicts linked to the dicesequence ofs lousesee
dice takingcision (Renault has more power)
Facilitate the presence on the majority of large
market international
Decision process plus long and more
complexe (negotiation)
Besthad visibilityity sure the marks
Increasedtion of vulnerability in case of
controversy and conflits
Creatorion of value significant for the
Creatorion of profitable growth for
three mulnationals
Sharing risks
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Differences cultural Between the France,
Allemagne and the Japan : risk of Conflicts,
disconnectord and cultural frictions.
-Difference national cultures
- Difference of cultures ofcompany
Developedment of synergies to reduce
production coststion
Conflicts linked to the dicesequence ofs lousesee
dice takingcision (Renault has more power)
Facilitate the presence on the majority of large
market international
Decision process plus long and more
complexe (negotiation)
Besthad visibilityity sure the marks
Increasedtion of vulnerability in case of
controversy and conflits
Creatorion of value significant for the
Creatorion of profitable growth for
three mulnationals
Sharing risks
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
Realisation savings at niveat of
stockedlies, of devedevelopment of
vehicularules (Platform vscommon of
developoppement), marketing
- To define a système de governance who ofcut the reresponsibilities of each
companymember of the alliance : Steering structure.
- Control, power and right to vote
- Creatorsynergy ions
- Effect ofsize to compete with other manufacturers like GM
- Increase the possibility of developoppement of vehicularules and of innovatiwe
technologiqu es
3. Quelles could to be the outlook flightution of this vsoperation
- Faire of newux projects technologiques (Change of the strategy for le
developSmart oppement)
- Elahregulate the product offer
- To define a système de governance who ofcut the reresponsibilities of each
companymember of the alliance : Steering structure.
- Control, power and right to vote
- Creatorsynergy ions
- Effect ofsize to compete with other manufacturers like GM
- Increase the possibility of developoppement of vehicularules and of innovatiwe
technologiqu es
3. Quelles could to be the outlook flightution of this vsoperation
- Faire of newux projects technologiques (Change of the strategy for le
developSmart oppement)
- Elahregulate the product offer
[pic 1]
[pic 2] Réponse Cas 2 : Renault – Nissan – Daimler
Question 1 :
🡪 Bénéfices : partage des coûts, d'apprentissage, synergie, développement international, acquisition d'innovation et de technologie, diversification de son portefeuille d'activité (diversification produit)
🡪 Risques d'une fusion acquisition : moins de concurrents, moins d'acteurs sur le secteur, donc se retrouver dans un marché oligopolistique
Question 2 :
- La maîtrise de la chaîne de valeur globale
- Maîtrise de l'approvisionnement = Dunning OLI (internalisation)
Question 3 :
- Les investissements des entreprises (comme la Chine) à l’international ont des investissements très agressif sur les marchés occidentaux, par conséquent les entreprises des pays occidentaux ont peur de disparaitre et de se faire racheter.
Question 4 :
🡪 Avantages : partage des investissements, mis en commun de la technologie, élargissement de la gamme, économies sur différents départements, plus grande présence sur la marché internationaux, stratégie de croissance rentable pour redresser Nissan, capitalisation boursière, Contribution (au niveau du capital) et donc une rétribution. Vote au CA, pouvoir des acteurs à des moments stratégiques